Book Title: Drushtant Kathao
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Dinubhai M Patel
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram

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Page 17
________________ Conversation between Namiraj and Shakrendra wonder that you renounce the life of enjoyment of worldly pleasures which are to your bidding and later on when these pleasures are no more available, you will be mentally tormented when you desire them but you cannot have them. I therefore advise you to leave this practice of yours to be recluse or to be a Muni - ascetic with strong self-discipline. Namiraj :-(Inspired by objects and reasons) Sensual pleasures are like pierces, they are like poisons, they are like serpents, craving for these pleasures lead people to hell and there they suffer very much. By anger and pride one takes lower birth and by maya or illusory behaviour all their good fortunes get vanished, by greed they are afraid of both the worlds this and the other. Therefore, O Brahmin ! Do not advice me to follow worldly life of sensual pleasures. My heart will never be moved towards false worldly life, it will never feel joy in that false glamour. Who will knowingly drink poison ? Who will like to fall in a well while holding a lamp ? Who will knowingly like to be deluded ? I am not going to return to Mithila accepting poison as beneficial and discarding nectarlike pleasure and joy of the life of a monk. Shakrendra was extremely delighted to see the strong steadiness of Maharshi Namiraj. He changed his external form of Brahmin into real form of Indra and then began to praise that Lord Rajarshi with sweet words. "O highly famed ! It is great wonder that you have conquered your anger. Wonder, that you have defeated pride. Wonder, that you have got rid of illusion. Wonder, that you have controlled greediness. Wonder, your frankness. Wonder your minelessness. Wonder, your prime forgiveness. Wonder, your ungreediness. O Venerable ! You are excellent in this birth and you will be excellent in your next birth. Becoming free from all your bondages, you will achieve supreme liberation of your soul." Praising this way, taking circles round Rajarshi in mark of veneration, he bowed down at his lotus feet with great faith and devotion. Then that Indra Adorned with beautiful crown, flew away in the sky. Lesson : Shakrendra who was testing Namiraj in the guise of a Brahmin, has tried to dissuade Namiraj from accepting the life of an ascetic by giving him all possible allurements; he has used his powerful intelligence and skill in discouraging Namiraj in his determination to lead an ascetic's life in preference to worldly life of sensual pleasures. Whatever burning desires of worldly life are attracting a man, all of them, one by one, are advised to be adopted by Namiraj and still wonder of all wonders is that at every stage Namiraj has been quite firm in his decision and he comes out as pure as gold. He has shown in his answers, his speedy and unfaltering march towards the ascetic life and going further and further away from worldly life. He has said, "O Brahmin ! whatever things you advise me to consider as mine are not really belonging to me. I am alone and I shall leave this world alone. I therefore desire to be lonely as loneliness is really praiseworthy." In replying this significant way, Namiraj has made his nonattachment stronger and firmer. Thus, this description of Namiraj's dialogue with Shakrendra is full of good lessons for all people in the world to admire and follow. This dialogue is presented to the reader for renouncing the worldly life and for adoption of the life of utter detachment or renunciation. To still further strengthen this matter, given below is an account as to how Namiraj realised his loneliness. STORY OF NAMIRAJ Namiraj was the ruler of a great kingdom called Videha. He was encircled with many young attractive women as his wives. Even though he was not allured by wrong perceptions, he appeared as if he was attracted and attached to worldly pleasures. Once upon a time his body caught a killing burning fever and he felt burning sensation in the whole body, which was totaly


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