Book Title: Drushtant Kathao
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Dinubhai M Patel
Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram

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Page 28
________________ Bhavanabodh - Nivrutti Bodh take pride in such a body? Pride in such a body is not appreciable at all. Inspite of the above statement about the living body, one has to admit that human body is the best of all bodies of living beings because only with the help of the human body, self-realisation or liberation can be achieved; to be sure about this utility of a human body, here is only a passing reference. When good deeds of our soul are fructified, we obtain the human body. Man is not to be understood as the master of two hands, two feet, two eyes, two ears, one mouth, two lips, one nose; he is to be understood differently. If we do not realise the significance of our having a human body then how to distinguish between a man and a monkey ? Both possess the parts of a living body as described above. Why cannot we call a monkey a man ? A monkey has a long tail in addition to the parts of a human body described above. But not that way, significance of a human body is that in the mind of a human being discriminative understanding arises and a man is worthy to be called a man only when he has discriminative understanding. Without such understanding, a man is to be called only as a two legged animal. Intelligent persons always emphasize this mysterious meaning of human life. By the rise of discriminative understanding, one enters the royal road to liberation and entrance to that royal road proves the superiority of human life over the life of all other living being. Still it is always desirable to constantly realise that our human body, like all bodies of other living beings is totally impure and impurity is in its nature. Only soul or self is really pure. Here ends the example and lesson of the life of Sanat Kumar for teaching the soul saving contemplation of impurity of human living body-Ashuchi Bhavana in the fifth picture of first Presentation, in the book of Bhavana Bodh. Internal Presentation : Sixth Picture NIVRUTTI BODH (Preaching of Retirement From Worldly Matters ) "Ananta Saukhya Nama Dukkha Tyan Rahi Na Mitrata ! Ananta Dukkha Nama Saukhya Prem Tyan Vichitrata !! Ughad Nyaya Netra Ne Nihala Re ! Nihala Tun ! Nivrutti Shigrameva Dhari Te Pravrutti Bala Tun." Special Meaning - How strange it is that you do not love and like the good life and self knowledge as real friends wherein rise the current or waves of purely infinite happiness only because there are nominal troubles and pains which occur in such achievements! While you fully love and like nominal pleasure of the world though they are totally linked with unending pains and miseries ! O conscious soul ! Better open your eyes of justice and see clearly ! See clearly !! Follow this clear vision, adopt quickly that is take up the life of non-attachment or renunciation and burn out the activity of your sensual pleasures ! Given below is the explicit description of the life story of the great youthful prince Mrugaputra, free from attachment and which is worthy of serious consideration by all spiritual aspirants and which is capable of establishing the holy maha Nivrutti or great non-attachment. One can see therein as to how misery is regarded as happiness and happiness is regarded as misery. This will be proved by the utterances of that great youth Mrugaputra. 22


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