Book Title: Does Earth Really Rotate and Review of Earth Shape Author(s): Abhaysagar Publisher: Jambudvi Vignyan Research Centre View full book textPage 9
________________ (c) As the Sun is advancing towards the east, night is appearing in countries at the back of the Sun. In this way because of the changes of place and territory, there are the changes of the Sun-rise and Sunset of the changes of and also changes of time. -“Shree Bhagvati Sootra Vritti”. (Shatak.5.U.1) (d) “The first prahar(1/8 part of day) co-exists in both the parts of Jambudveep.* In that way, differnt phenomena of time occur as per different places in Jumbudveep. This means : The Sunrise in Bharat (One part of Jambudveep) is regarded as the Sunset by the people who live far behind that place of Sunrise. Mid-day time is the same for the places situated between the places of Sunrise and Sunset. In the same way, it is the first prahar of the day for some; for some it may be midnight at some place, whereas evening twilight at the other. Calcultating this way one can know about all the eight prahars simultaneously. All these the eight prahars occur at the same time because of the rotation of the Sun around the mountain Meru which is situated in the Jambudveep. -“Shree Mandal Prakaran Tika”. (2) (a) “The Sun revolves around the sky or Heaven and the earth”. -"Shree Atharvaved" (b) “The time has two sectors - the Sun going around the sky or Heaven and the earth". -"Shree Atharvaved", 13-12-5 (c) “The earth is motionless or steady or firm”. -"Shree Atharvaved”, 6-89-1 • (d) “The sky or the Heaven and the earth always remain motionless". -“Shree Atharvaved”, 10-8-2 *Jambudveep :- A giantic island of 7 continents around Meru. (centre of universe.) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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