Book Title: Does Earth Really Rotate and Review of Earth Shape Author(s): Abhaysagar Publisher: Jambudvi Vignyan Research Centre View full book textPage 7
________________ It has been their well accepted theory; and they are not prepared to reconside this theory any more. Morever, most of us now-a-days are so much under the infiuence of scientists that we are habituated to believe even half-truths and imaginary things to be true. Under such conditions it is possible that it will take time for the scientific scriptural facts to enter the minds of the intellectuals. It, therefore, becomes necessary to get rid off false scientific beliefs from the minds and to establish true principles with the help of reason in their places. If we quote authorities from the holy scriptures to do this, then it will not enter the heads of the intellectuals. Hence, it is necessary to ponder over the belief of the holy scripturres together with the theories of scientists such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Prolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Mac-Donald, Henry Foster and others. SCIENTIFIC BELIEFS : Modern scientific beliefs are as followa: (1) The earth rotates on its axis with the velocity of 1000 miles per hour. (2) The earth goes around the Sun with the velocity of 66,000 miles per hour. (3) The Sun together with the earth and its planetary system moves 7,20,000 miles in an hour. Some of the scientists believe it to be 10 crores of miles per hour, but most of them believe it to be 7,20,000 miles. Moreover, they believe that "The earth is a planet separated from the Sun about hundreds of crores years ago; it has a fixed diameter from the east to the west,and from the north to south: and it has a shape like that of an orange or apple." Now-a-days many discoveries and inventions are being made depending upon the aboe theory.Rockets have been sent to Moon, Venus and Mars. The principle of the rotation of the earth is regarded as causing the nights and days lasting for six months. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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