Book Title: Doctrine of Karman in Jain Philosophy
Author(s): Hiralal R Kapadia
Publisher: Vijibai Jivanlal Panalal Charity Fund Mumbai

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Page 134
________________ THE DOCTRINE OF KARMAN 103 tejoleśyā. For instance as stated in Viāhapannatti (XV; s. 543) Gosāla who was attacked by usna tejoleśyā was protected by Lord Mahavīra by discharging sita tejoleśyā to counteract it. P. 13, 1. 2. The author uses karman-body in the sense of kārmana body. See pp. 22, 31, 33 etc. P. 13, 1. 28. In a way this division is needed ; for, bandhas like taijasa-kārmana do take place. P. 15, 11. 18-19. Rājapațța is a diamond of inferior quality. In Abhi dhānacintamani (IV, 132) are noted virātaja and tājāvarta as its synonyms. P. 15, 1. 27. The words ' pleasant' and ' unpleasant' ought to be interchanged. See Kammavivāga (verse 41). P. 23, 1. 31. Add : In Tattvārthādhigamasutra (VIII, 19), the mini mum duration of vedaniya-k is stated to be 12 muhūrias whereas in Uttarajjhayana (XXXIII) etc. it is antarmuhürta. P. 24, ll. 8-9. It appears that there should be 'of' after compact ness' and 'or' after weakness'. P. 37, 1. 17. The number 12 may be added after following '. P. 39, 1. 2. Add a foot-note on samkrama : For a detailed exposition of samkrama see Samkramakarana (parts I & II) by Premavijaya Gani (now Ācārya). P. 40, 1. 11. Pārināmika bhāva is rendered as natural thought activity' in The Jaina Gem Dictionary (p. 77). P. 41, 11. 7-11. It is not true that also in the aupaśamika bhāva the realized karman is annihilated; for, herein there is no realization (udaya) whatsoever of any karman and hence there is no room for its annihilation. Such being the case, the terminus technicus is correct. P. 49, last line. Cf. the meaning attention of the word ābhoga. P. 50, 1. 8. It appears that the word ' or ' is here used on the basis of the comm. (p. 108) of Bandhasāmitta. There is however a difference between vedaka and ksāyopaśamika sam yaklvas. See my explanatory notes (p. 33) on Rşabhapañcāśikā. P. 53, last line. Add ' (p. 49) ’after above'. P. 64, 1. 33. Nidāna is rendered in The Jaina Gem Dictionary (p. 70) as under : 1. See L. R. Vaidya's The Standard Sanskrit-English Dictionary (p. 609). Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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