Book Title: Doctrine Of Karma Author(s): Abhedananda Swami Publisher: Ramkrishna Vedanta MathPage 72
________________ DOCTRINE OF KARMA without desire for return, and they are the salt of the earth. They work as if they were paying off a debt which they owe to society, to parents, to humanity. If we can labour with this idea, that all we do is merely to cancel our debt to the universe, then we can work for work's sake. When we pay off a debt, do we think of getting something in return? No; we do our work, cancel our obligation, and think no more about it. Every individual, on account of his birth, owes something to state and country, to family and neighbours; to his spiritual teachers, and to his higher Self. While he lives in society, he owes a duty to society. So long as he is guarded and protected by social conditions, he is in debt to the social body which maintains them. How can he pay that debt? By being a good member of society, by doing what he can to help all other members, and by making every effort to fulfil his obligation to the community and to mankind. We must recognize the rights of others and 88Page Navigation
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