Book Title: Conception Of Soul In Indian Philosophy
Author(s): J S Jetly
Publisher: J S Jetly

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________________ sel for a certain time automatically unhappy while others are seen hapcreate intoxicating effect in that py. This cannot happen if there substance called wine. Similarly, is no 79. Those who are happy the above mentioned aga arran- without much efforts of their own ged in a particular manner are must have done some good deeds responsible for creation of body as in their previous birth. While those well as daar in it. The disturbance who are seen vnhappy must have in the arrangement causes destruc- done bad deeds or sins in their tion of the body known as death. previous birth. Death is not the separation of soul from the body but merely the To this araf replies that disturbance in the arrangement in this theory is merely an imaginaa living body. tion of some selfish people to keep other people under them. It is an The modern scientists are also illusion that one who has done of this view. They also do not ac- good deeds in the previous birth has cept any different self than the body got right of exploiting others and of the creatures. They also do not those who have done bad deeds accept cafea or rebirth of the soul. are destined to be exploited. In faThus acceptance of a different so- ct, this is also an arrangement and ul than the body or vitally conne- if this is changed and if good socted with the theory of rebirth. If cial order is established then there one does not accept rebirth he can is no necessity of this guy theory. do without the different souls i. e. A good social order with perfect different than the body itself. arrangement or law or order is eno ugh to keep the society happy. Ab. Here the question put by sence of a good and real justice other Indian systems is that, that if giving social order does not justify rebirth is not accepted then when the existence of mon ar the fruit of good deeds or bad al arrangement is made in such a deeds will be experienced ? Thus way that real culprits are nunished *f and #fies theory are again and not the innocent persons, then responsible for accepting the theory the question of u and you would of th. One who does good deeds not arise. not arise. will have good rebirth. Or to explain this form other systems state I t is well-known that Trefs was that so many creatures are seen deadly against the NOT as per 36


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