236 The Concept of Pancasila in Indian Thought and wealth and power that enslave men but the cleaving towards them. He who possesses wealth and uses it rightly will be a blessing for his fellow beings.” In the Vinaya it is declared clearly that a Bhikkhu is allowed to gain profits on behalf of the Samgha. Though for the Samgha too it is not proper to have great wealth, granaries full of corn, many servants, money and treasury, while people around are suffering from poverty.
Actually the tenth sila means that the monk should abstains from possessing gold and silver. It is not only the tenth bila which is comparable to the Jaina vow of aparigraha, but all those bilas meant for the monks which denounce worldliness, e. g. attending the worldly amusements, music and dances, the use of perfumes etc. Sleeping on luxurious bedst comes in the category of parigraha of Jainas; for them, all the five objects of five senses are parigraha. Further, the code of monks in Buddhism would also more explicitly show that aparigraha is an important tenet for the monk in limiting his possessions. He is allowed to have only three civarasa and one begging bowl, apart from this, he is not supposed to keep anything for which he may develop attachment. And for having a retreat in the rainy season, the monks are allowed to reside in a sort of monastery which is especially meant for this purpose. After the expiry of this period of four months, they should again start roaming for the remaining eight months of the year. But this small monastery in the time of Buddha was owned by a laynan (the tradition is still maintained in Jaina monachism), and not by the monks themselves. But by the time of Asoka 1. (i) tahtarfaafaqaaftar a font ferraria, (ii) मालागन्धविलेपनधारणमण्डनविभूसनट्ठानावेरमणी, उच्चसयनम
ETTUAT TATT I -Khu. Pāțha, Dasasikkhāpadas. 2. यन्नुनाहं भिक्खूनं चीवरे सीमं बन्धेय्यं, मरियादं ठपेप्यं तिचीवर अनुजा
heejifor I T forraa farinatag Erical --Mahā., p. 305,
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