Book Title: Comparative Study Of Jaina Theories Of Reality And Knowledge
Author(s): Y J Padmarajaiah
Publisher: Jain Sahitya Vikas Mandal

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Page 408
________________ 388 JAINA THEORIES OF REALITY AND KNOWLEDGE NVTT NVVS OIP OKEW PB PBTS with KR PC PDS with NK PKEW Nyāyavārtikatātparyațīkā by Vācaspati Miśra, etd. by Rajeshwara Sastri Dravid, Kāśi Sans. Ser., Benares, 1925. Nyāyāvatāravārtika-vștti by śānti Sūri, etd. by Dalsukh Malvania, Singhi Jain Series, Bombay, 1949. Outlines of Indian Philosophy, by M. Hiriyanna, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1931. Our Knowledge of the External World, by Bertrand Russell, reprinted, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1949. Prasastapädabhāsyam, with Sūkti, Setu and Vyomavati, etd. by Gopinath Kaviraj and Dhundiraj Sastri, Chow. Sans. Ser., Benares, 1924. Prasastapādabhāsyațīkāsangraha, with Kāņādarahasya, by Sankara Miśra, etd. by Vindhyesvari Prasada Dvivedin, Chow. Sans. Ser., Benares, 1917. See SP. The Padārthadharmasangraha of Prasastapāda, with the Nyāyakandali of Śrīdhara, E. T. by G. Jha, reprint from the Pandit, Benares, 1916. The Philosophy of Kant Explained, by John Watson, James Madehose & Sons, Glasgow, 1908. See TSS with PK. See TSS with PKJha. Prameya-Kamala-Mārtanda by Prabhācandra, 2nd edn., a Comm. on Pariksāmukha-Sūtra of Māņikyanandi, etd. by Mahendra Kumar Shastri, Bombay, 1941. Principles of Logic by F. H. Bradley, 2nd edn., 2 vols., Oxford, 1940. Pramāņa-Mimāṁsā by Hemacandra, etd. with Bhāṣā-tippaņa, by Pt. Sukhlalji Sanghavi, Singhi Jaina Granthamala, Ahmedabad-Calcutta, 1939. Pūrva-Mīmāṁsā in its Sources by Ganganatha Jha, etd. with a Critical Bibliography, by Umesha Mishra, Benares Hindu University, Benares, 1942. PK PKJha PKM PL PMHS PMS


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