Book Title: Comparative Study Of Jaina Theories Of Reality And Knowledge
Author(s): Y J Padmarajaiah
Publisher: Jain Sahitya Vikas Mandal
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Epitome of Jainism, An 255 Essays on Truth and Reality
254 Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, An 158, 159
242 Laghunayacakram 321, 328, 329 Logic 129, 237 Logic of Hegel, The 253, 255
First Principles 158 First Principles of the Jaina
Philosophy, The 304 Fragments from Dinnāga 51
Gaudabrahmānandi 292
Half-Yearly Journal of the
Mysore University, The 303,
330, 365 Handbook of Psychology 159 Hegel 98 Hindu Chemistry 62 Hindu Philosophy 66 History of Buddhist Thought
63 History of Pre-Buddhistic In
dian Philosophy, A 288
Madhva's Philosophie des
Vişņu-Glaubens 116 Mādhyamakāvatāra 57 Madhyamapratipada 288 Madhyamika-Kārikā 150 Mādhyamika Sūtra 32 Mahābhārata, The 65 Mahā Sudassana Suttanta, The | Digha Nikāya 52 Majjhima-Nikāya 288 Manimekhalai 64 Mind 162, 250 Mūlamādhyamikakārikā 289 Mundakopanişad 347 Mysticism and Logic 43, 45, 46
Idealistic Thought in India 92,
96 Identity-in-difference 92 Indian Antiquary 3, 61, 62, 68,
Indian Historical Quarterly 63 Indian Idealism 18 Indian Logic in the Early
Schools 48 Indian Philosophical Review
365, 366 Introduction to the Kalpasūtra
of Bhadrabāhu 126 iśa 15, 18
Nature 297 Nature of Physical Reality, The
298 Nature of the Physical World,
The 160, 161, 162 Nayacakrādisangrahah 328 Nayācāra 323 Nayādhikaraņa 328 Nayapradīpa 316, 328 Nayarahasya 328 Nayavivarana 319, 320, 326, 328 New Indian Antiquary, The 80,
92, 96 New Schaff-Herzog Encyclo
pædia of Religious Know
ledge, The 367 Nyāyabindu with Nyāyabindu
tīkā 47 Nyāyakusumāñjali 337, 339 Nyāyālokah 260 Nyāyamañjari 48 Nyāyapraveśa 39 Nyāyapraveśavptti 39 Nyāyasūtras 289
Jayadhavalā 321 Journal of the Department of
Letters, The 352
Kathopanişad 31, 348 Kävyādarśa 352