28. Samayika, Journey Towards Peace & Tranquility; 2. Manu Doshi, Chicago, USA; 3. Indira Mansukhlal Doshi Memorial Trust, Chicago, USA, www.jsmconline.org, 963 Goldenrod Lane, Lake Forest, IL, 60045; 4. 1st Ed. 1995; 2nd Ed. 1999; 6. 60 pgs. PB Small; 8. Contents, Prefaces, Dedication, Part I & II. Part II: English Translations with Explanations of Amulya Tattvavichar, Apurva Avsar, Letter of Six Fundamentals, Atonement (Kshmapana) with original Gujarati texts. Some of these articles were published in different issues of Jin Darshan (see #88), publication of the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago, USA.
29. Shrimad Rajchandra, Pioneer of Spiritual Era*; 2. Jagdish Chandra Jain; 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Gnan Mandir, Ghatkopar, Mumbai. 6. 26 pgs. PB small.
30. Shreemad Rajachandrajee, The Indian Saint & Seer; 3. Shreemad Rajchandra Nijabhyas Mandal, Vadva, Cambay; 4. January 1936; 6. 10 pgs, PB, Ltr. 8. Three articles in English with its Gujarati translations are reproduced in the Publication: (a) 'A Great Seer' by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi from The Modern Review, Whole No. 282, June 1930, (b) Jain Worthies from December 1934 issue of The Jaina Gazette, the monthly organ of the All India Jain Association, (c) Indians of Today: A Jain Philosopher from Allahabad's Pioneer of 22 May 1901. Brief details about Shreemad Rajchandra Nijabhyas Mandal, Vadva, Cambay.
31. My Experiments with Truth, An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. 2. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. 3. Navjivan Press, Ahmedabad; 4. 1927; 8. This book contains a chapter on Raichandbhai and several other references about him in the book.
32. Know the Knower of Knowledge*: You are Divine Soul; 2. Tr. by Chaitnya Desai; 3. Shreemad Rajchandra Knowledge Foundation, Bardoli; 4. October 2005; 6. 50 pgs., PB, Booklet; 7. Value: Practice in Life; 8. Based on meditation practice discourses as taught by Dr. Tarulatabai Mahasatiji (see # 12 above) for contemplation on the soul (atma-chintan) in 31 'Topic-A-Day' for daily practice. Book contains in Roman Script, the Vandana, Pranipata Stuti and Bahu Punya Kera, devotional songs, Pictures.
Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra