Book Title: Bibliography Of Literature About Shrimad Rajchandra
Author(s): Prakash Mody
Publisher: Prakash Mody
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ABOUT SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA શિય સાગર COMPILED & PUBLISHED BY PRAKASH MODY Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ધન્ય રે દિવસ આ અહો જાગી રે શાંતિ અપૂર્વ રે. જ્ઞાનીના સર્વ વ્યવહાર પરમાર્થમૂળ હોય છે, તો પણ જે દિવસે ઉદય પણ આત્માકાર વર્તશે. તે દિવસને ધન્ય છે, ધન્યરૂપ- કૃતાર્થરૂપ એવા જે અમે તેને વિષે - આ ઉપાધિજોગ જોઇ લોકમાત્ર ભૂલે એમાં આશ્ચર્ય નથી, અને પૂર્વે જો સપુરુષનું ઓળખાણ પડ્યું નથી, તો તે આવા યોગનાં કારણથી છે. ગૃહસ્થાશ્રમની બધી સ્થિતિ સપુરુષની પ્રશસ્ત છે. બધા જોગ પૂજવા યોગ્ય છે. ધન્ય રૂપ કૃપાળુદેવ કૃતાર્થ રૂપ કૃપાળુદેવા Courtesy: Shri Sahaj Shrut Parab, Rajkot SHRIMADJI'S LIFE IN Six DIFFERENT STAGES Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ABOUT SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA Thus, spoke Shrimad Rajchandra: "Sahajatma Svarup Param Guru" Symbolizes: You are divine soul, knower of knowledge itself. So, recite this Mantra while performing all the activities. This is a great miraculous maxim. It purifies our thousands of actions by moulding our inclination inward. When we memorize, remember and recite it, noble feelings emerge within us. It becomes the cause of emancipation of our soul. Vachanamrutji - Page 121 & 351 COMPILED & PUBLISHED BY PRAKASH MODY Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 3 Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ABOUT SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA 2nd Updated - Revised Electronic Edition. Published on Emancipation Day (Dehvilay Divas) of Shrimad Rajchandra - April 16, 2017 (Chaitra Vad 5, Vir Samvat 2543 or Vikram Samvat 2073). [1st Edition was published on April 18, 2006 (Chaitra Vad 5, Vir Samvat 2533 or Vikram Samvat 2062). Printed Copies 1,000.] Price: Practice in life what you learn. Appreciation: Special thanks to Niranjan Modi of Mumbai, who had helped in the printing and distribution of the 1st edition. Note: We request that this book be treated with reverence, as it is a religious text. Please do not profane (ashatna) it in any manner, like placing on the floor, tearing, stepping on or damaging it. Please request for this e-book to: Prakash Mody, 37 Tuscarora Drive, Toronto, ON, M2H 2K4, Canada. Tel. (416) 491 5560. Email: ISBN: 0-9684195-1-8 Publisher: Prakash Mody, 37 Tuscarora Drive, Toronto, ON, M2H 2K4, Canada. Layout & Designing: Prafulla Mody & IT help: Yash Mody. ©Prakash Mody. This publication is protected by copyright and may be reproduced without the permission, provided it is mentioned that the copyright is of Prakash Mody with the information of the source. Disclaimer: Every effort and care has been taken to provide accurate information from the reliable sources. The Compiler-publisher is not responsible in anyway for information printed in this publication. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS Dedication Shrimadji's Immortal Words Preface This 2nd Edition & 1st Edition Observations A Brief Biography of Shrimadji Literature by Shrimadji Param Krupaludev's Literature Format of Bibliographical Entries Bibliographical Entries of Published Literature in English Bibliographical Entries of Unpublished Literature in English Literature in English Available Online List of Publishers of Books 19-42 43-44 Index of Authors 45-46 Index of Books 47-51 PICTURES Cover Page Flowing of Spirituality Shrimadji's Life in Six Different Stages Inside Cover Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 3 Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DEDICATION Dedicated at the Auspicious Lotus Feet of Param Krupaludev (Shrimad Rajchandra) And Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai Jhaveri First Edition was Dedicated to Param Krupaludev (Shrimad Rajchandra) and In fond memory of our parents: Lilavanti & Vinodlal N. Mody Taramati & Jamnadas O. Sheth Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ I do not mind your belief in any religion, the only substance of my preaching is - follow that religion, devotion and noble conduct by which you get rid of waste of your life. Take care; not as much as you do of your body, but many manifolds, of your soul, for eternal births are to be averted within this single present birth. One needs to contemplate all the while, over the fact that why one is much more fond of what is perishable, unstable, trivial, momentary, essenceless and forlorn. Vachanamrutji Patrank (Letters) 15, 84 & 810 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 5 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE On the auspicious occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary year of Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandraji and as part of the Celebrations, I am happy to publish the 2nd edition of this Bibliography. 1st print-edition and later e-edition was published in 2006. Since then many new books are published and hence this revised, updated e-edition is published. For variety of reasons, it is prepared as an e-edition that can be eco-friendly, printed only if required! It can be updated on a continuing basis. I request readers and publishers, to please send the details of their publications to update this Bibliography. One of the reasons of this compilation is to show that there is enough material in English for Atmasiddhi, the epic creation of nectar of Jain Scriptures of Agams. Atmasiddhi can be included in the course curriculum for Jain studies at Universities, not only in India but globally. There are about one hundred world-wide institutions, Ashrams, Mandirs, temples and organizations in the name of Shrimad Rajchandraji, and they publish books, audio and videos from time to time. Some institutions organize discourses, lectures, competitions, etc. that may be published for wider readership. I will appreciate if required information is provided for inclusion in this Bibliography. “Yugpurush - Mahatma na Mahatma", a play in Gujarati is captivating representation of special relationship between Shrimadji and Gandhiji, depicting the making of Mohandas to Mahatma. What began as an honest friendship, progressed to Gandhiji proclaiming Shrimadji as his spiritual mentor. Shrimad Rajchandraji, honoured as the spiritual guide of Mahatma Gandhi, had a tremendous and decisive influence on the Father of the Nation. This play will soon be done in English and it would be very good resource material for historical perspective relation between two Mahatmas (Great Souls), if the script is published in book form. In this edition, new entries from # 35 onwards are added. I have included new article about Param Krupaludev's Literature. Alphabetical List of Books, Index of Authors and Publishers' List are updated. Index of Contents of Books and two pictures have been removed. Sincerely thanks to those who have responded with information about English publications of their institutions and those who have helped in finding old records. * Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE OF FIRST EDITION Raichandbhai Ravjibhai Mehta, later known as Shrimad Rajchandra (10 November 1867 - 9 April 1901), is renowned for being a great Jain ascetic, a famous poet, a Shatavdhani (i.e. one who can perform 100 things at one time) as well as a mentor of Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). His writings are published as Shrimad Rajchandra - Vachanamrut (immortal words or aphorisms), and include the remarkable text including Aatmasiddhi (Self-Realization). This 142-stanza work contains the essence of Jain philosophy. In addition to his own writings, he translated many scriptures into Gujarati from Prakrit and Sanskrit. Many Jains know about Shrimadji but very few other than Jains are aware about him or his writings. A considerable amount of information, including commentaries and notes, is available in Gujarati about Shrimadji, but little is published in English. A few publications have included bibliographical notes but they have not been comprehensive accounts. In addition, there is virtually nothing available for those with disabilities (e.g. in Braille or in large print for those who suffer from visual disabilities). The production of CDs, DVDs, and so on is not being pursued. The production of clear and concise materials, with respect to a familiar style-guide standard format and copyright laws, is needed. I have tried to be comprehensive by inviting others to contribute for this project with more information to make the listing an exhaustive one. I am thankful to all of them for their help. I am happy to publish this second edition with the inclusion of few more publications, brought to my attention and some new books published since the first edition was published. An opportunity is utilised to make minor changes or corrections. As an eco friendly gesture, instead of a printed hardcopy, only an electronic .pdf file copy is made available. | welcome readers' assistance in finding any unpublished works in any languages including Gujarati, for publication. You may either email at or mail your comments at 37 Tuscarora Drive, North York, Ontario, M2H 2K4, Canada.* Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OBSERVATIONS The following are my personal comments mentioned, in no order, in the hope that future writers and publishers may take these into consideration. This list provides the reader with an idea of what efforts ought to be undertaken before publishing, as well as offers suggestions on ways to raise awareness about Shrimadji's writings among a wider public. 1. Titles: Most books are titled appropriately and clearly but in few cases, it is not so. Book # 9 titled, as “Jeevankala” would be clear, if named as 'Life Sketch of Shrimadji being Translation of Jeevankala.' Compare this with Book # 25, The Self-Realization being the Translation of Attmasiddhi of Shrimad Rajchandra'. If a book is an English translation, then the title should be in English. That would make it suitable for searching and indexing. Detailed explanations or clarifications can be included inside. 2. Authors & Publishers: To date, it is mostly individuals and organizations of Shrimadii's followers who have published books about Shrimadii in English. Publishers like Motilal Banarasidas or Universities can publish translations of unpublished works or may sponsor new books in English. 3. Editions & Publication Years: Most books mention edition and publication year. In several cases reprint is treated as a new and different edition. Some books state the quantity printed. 4. Copyright & ISBN: Most publications do not mention copyright and ISBN information. It appears using content material in the absence of copyright permission and credit line is a common practice. 5. Price: Many books are priced below cost due to financial contributions from donors, whose pictures and or names are then listed. This is an admirable effort, as it allows for the sale of more books. Donations could also be used for free distribution to libraries. For instance, pictorial biographies for children can be distributed to school libraries, and publications dealing with philosophical issues may be sent free to universities or libraries, to reach a wider readership 6. Contents: Most books have 'Introductions' named differently like Preface, Foreword, and Author - Translator - Publisher's Note or About Us - Author. A few books have a section for Acknowledgements # 12 & 25; Errata # 19 & 20; Blessing # 12; and Donors' List & Pictures #3,4 & 11. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. Language: Translations always pose some difficulties since it is often difficult to convey the exact meaning of a word from one language to another. In some books, Gujarati words of importance are retained, but often without translation, making it difficult for the non-Gujarati reader to fully grasp their meaning. In certain other cases, only English translated words are used without providing the original Gujarati words. The word may not be a true meaning of the original term, and without the Gujarati, it is difficult (for those who know both languages) to compare the terms. It would be better to use an English translated word along with the Gujarati word in parenthesis, as is commonly down in religious studies textbooks. 8. Transliteration: In view of the variety of spellings used, it would be preferable to include transliteration information at the beginning of the book. Only one book (#7) has 'Key to Pronunciation' information. 9. Suggestions for New Books: A few significant books in Gujarati, such as 'Shrimad Rajchandra's Jeevan ane Kavan' (Life & Works of Shrimad Rajchandra) by Pujyashri Rakeshbhai Jhaveri, ought to be translated into English. In addition, books like the 'Handbook to the Vachanmrut (Spiritual Teachings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan)' by Sadhu Mukundcharandas (which is in English) could be written and published about Shrimadji. An encyclopaedia of Shrimadji's writings would be useful from both a spiritual and academic perspective. 10. Audio Visual Aids: Audio-cassettes, books in Brail and large-print books are not yet available, but would undoubtedly be of value to individuals within our society. 11. Index: Several books lack index of subjects or words, making it difficult for quick and easy cross-referencing. 12. Sources and References: It would be appropriate to include the sources and references of the original texts in all translated works. 13. Religious Book: A note should request readers to treat the books with reverence and humility, and to not profane (Ashatna) them. Some books do advice against reading while wearing shoes or while smoking. Women are requested to avoid reading when they're during menstruation period. 14. Disposal: Not a single book mention anything about how it is to be treated or what is to be done if the religious book is unwanted or if it is spoilt? Easy way adopted by many is to drop it at a library! What does the library do with it? Is there any religious ceremony required to be done before it is shredded or put in recycle? Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 9 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15. Calendars & Diaries: Calendars of a variety of types (perpetual, yearly, small table or big wall) are published in Gujarati. In English, only the “perpetual wall calendar" is available. There exist no diaries (such as the several varieties of 'Gandhi Diaries' that are available) with quotations of Shrimadji in Gujarati or English. Even a pocket calendar with quotations on the one side would raise awareness about the message of Shrimadji. To avoid disrespect or irreverence (ashatna), it would be best to avoid using images of Krupaludev. Instead quotations from his writings would be more appropriate. 16. Names & Spellings: It is standard practice to italicise non-English words to distinguish them as such in an English text. Care should also be taken to check the use of capitals for many words. In addition, consistency in spelling is required (e.g., Shrimadji or Shreemadji). There exists some confusion over the use of new or old place names, such as Cambay or Khambhat and Bombay or Mumbai. The standard practice is to use the new word as well as the old word in the parenthesis. This becomes significant when we do on-line electronic searches. 17. Years & Dates: Most books mention the year and date in the Vikram Samvant, without giving the corresponding English date, so that non-Indian readers find it difficult to grasp the period. Providing both dates would resolve this confusion. Alternatively, a note to add 56 years to the CE to make it in Vikram year or to add 526 years to make it in Vir year would be helpful. 18. Celebration Date: It is a standard practice to celebrate the holy days as per the Vikram or Vir Samvant dates. While writing in English, the corresponding English dates should be used, with the Samvant dates in parenthesis. 19. Cross Checking: While comparing the published "Lists of Institutions" run under Shrimadji's name, it was found that there exist several differences in the spelling and use of names, as well as in dates of establishment and addresses. This results in confusion. Publishers should be careful to include the original dates, as well as subsequent updates. 20. Style Guide: From the above discussion, it can be concluded that there is a real need to prepare “A Writer's Guide for Jainism" or "A Style Guide for Writing about Jainism”. Such a guide would help convey accurate information and resources, as well as help avoid the inclusion of erroneous information on Jainism for the mainstream non-Jain public, in general and non-Indian media, in particular. * 10 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY SHRIMADJI [Years are in Vikram Samvat. Not all places visited during the year are included.] 1924: Born on bright-full moon, (Kartaki Purnima) at 2 am at Vavania (Nov. 10, 1867). 1928: Birth name of “Lakshminandan" changed to Raichand. 1931: Extraordinary experience (jatismaran) on a tree at a crematorium. 1932: First poem written (not available). 1935: Left school studies. 1940: Started performing 8 things at a time (ashtavadhan) at Morbi. 1941: Named Hero of Hind. 12 & 16 avdhans at Jamnagar & 52 at Botad. Declared 'Living God of Wisdom' (Shakshat Saraswati). 1942: Peak of his spiritual divinity (vairagya). Shatavdhan at Mumbai. 1944: Marriage with Jhabakben. Met with Juthabhai at Ahmedabad. Discontinued avadhan performances. Experienced Divine Light (prakash ane divyata). 1945: After Paryushan started business at Mumbai with Revashankar Jagjivandas Mehta. Visited Ahmedabad, Bharuch, Surat, Morbi. 1946: Met Sobhagbhai at Morbi. 6-days with Ambalalbhai at Sayla. Diwali with Munishri Lalluji at Khambhat. Paryushan at Vavaniya. Muli. 1947: Gave up Astrology. Repeated realisations of wonderful experiences and Shuddh Samkit. Met Gandhiji at Mumbai. Raalaj. Vavaniya. 1949: Chaturmas with Munishri Lalluji in Mumbai. Paryushan in Vadodra. 1951: Decided to leave worldly connections (sarvasang parityag) from VS1953. Unprecedented spirituality. Paryushan at Vavaniya. Sayla, Hadmatiya, Dharmaj, Virsad, Undel, Khambhat, Mumbai and Kathor. 1952: Unusual epistemology (Apurva Gnandasha) of spiritual knowledge. Paryushan at Raalaj. Kavitha, Vadva, Khambhat, Anand, Nadiad, Rajpur, Limdi and Morbi. 1953: Attainment of spiritual elevation. Paryushan at Mumbai. Stayed with Sobhagbhai at Sayla. Visited Eedar (Idar), Vavania, Viramgam. 1954: Paryushan at Kavitha. Vavania, Mumbai, Vaso, Uttarsanda, Kheda. 1955: Gave up wealth and family ties. Retired from business. Mumbai, Eedar (Idar), Morbi, Vavania, Naroda, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Viramgam. 1956: Health deteriorated, Dharampur, Morbi, Vavania, Wadhwan Camp. 1957: Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Tithal, Nadiad, Morbi, Wadhwan Camp. Emancipated at Rajkot, 2 pm on Tuesday, Chaitra Vad 5, April 9, 1901. Based on Shrimadni Jivansiddhi in Gujarati by Dr. Saryu R. Mehta, 1970, Mumbai. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ LITERATURE BY SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI Following is the complete list of writings in Gujarati by Shrimad Rajchandraji. Notes: Publications in bold have been translated in English. * Marked books are incomplete. @ Marked books are translations from other languages into Gujarati. XX/xx refers to Vachnamrutji Patrank Nos./Page Nos. Years are in Vikram Samvat (VS). To convert in Common Era (AD) deduct 56 from VS year. Before Mokshasubodh; Pushpamala 2/3; Kal koi ne nahi muke", 3/8; Dharma vishé, 1942: # 4/9; Bodhavachano 5/10; Upyog tya dharma chhé 6/13, Nitya smruti, 7/14; Sahaj prakruti 8/14; Prashonttar 9/15; Dwadashanupraksha* 10/15; Munisamagam* 11/22; Sajjanta 12/28; Shanitinath Bhagwan ni Stuti*, 13/29; Chhatra prabandhstha prem prarthana, 14/30; Dohara, 15/31; Mokshmala-Balavbodh, 17/57; Subodh sangrah; Bhavnabodh, 18/32; 1943: Vachan shaptashati (700 Mahaniti) 19/136; Vachnamrut, 21/155; Svarodaygnan Par ni tika 22159; Jivtatva sambandhi vichar* 23/163; Jivajiv vibhakti*@, 24/164; 1944: Pratima siddhi*, 40/171; 1945: Sayantidharma@, 60/185; Laghuvaythi adbhut thayo, 77/195; Bhinn matadarshan, 79/196; 1946: Samuchayvaycharya, 89/203; Lokswarup rahasya, 107/211; Tran Dohara, 154/231; Rojnishi 157/232; Hastalikhit nondhpothi: 160/238. 1947: Vachanavali, 200/262; Bina nayan, 258/292; Prabhu pratye dinatva, 264/295; Yam niyam, 265/296; Jadbhave jad parinamé, 266/297; Jinvar kahé chhé gnan téné, 267/297; 1948: Samaysarni gathani samjan@ 316-7/311; Yogdrashtini sajjaymathi samjan, 390-6/338; 1949: Samaysar natakni gathani samjan@, 436-8/366; Suvachano (Aphorisms), 466/382; Aatam bhavna bhavta (Mantra) 474/387; 1950: Chha padno patra 493/394; Letters to Gandhiji' 530/424, 570/452 & 717/524; 1952: Panchastikaynu swarup@ 698-9,701/507; Mulmarg rahashya, 715/523; Aatmasiddhi, 718/526; 1953: Panth parampad bodhyo*, 724/560; Apurva avsar, 738/563; Anandghan chovisi@, Vivechan - Vitrag stavano*, 387,393-5/337+753/570; Mokshmargni vicharna@* 755/576; Jainmarg vivek*, 756/580; Moksh sidhant* 757/580; Dravya prakash@*, 758/582; Jivno sukh maté vichar@*, 759/582; Dravya sangrah@*, 761/584; Panchastikay@, 766/586; 1956: Jad ne chaintanya vivek, 902/642; 1957: Antim sandesho (Farewell message), 954/659; Aabhayantar parinam avlokan (Diaries & Notes): Hastanonth – 1, 2, 3: 960/786. Based on Shrimadni Jivansiddhi in Gujarati by Dr. Saryu R. Mehta, Mumbai.1970 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PARAM KRUPALUDEV'S LITERATURE Treatises Poetic Compositions Translations and Commentaries Articles Aphorisms Personal Notes Letters Preachings Transcribed by Devotees Simple, crystal clear and directed solely at the seeker's internal growth, Shrimad Rajchandraji's teachings have been incessantly illuminating the spiritual path for thousands of seekers over the years. Religion, according to Him, is to realise the true innate nature of the soul. His teachings therefore emphasise a conduct in accordance with the spiritual and ethical norms, and the necessity of a Spiritual Master, a Guru, whose personal guidance is invaluable for one's spiritual advancement. He also emphasises an important precursor to the inward journey - single-minded focus towards the goal of self-realisation. Shrimadji's preachings are expressions of that which is unfathomable, inexhaustible and almost inexpressible - the experience of the ultimate reality of the Self. His prolific writings can be classified as follows. 1. Treatises Shrimadji authored several texts/treatises-some in prose, some in verse. Of these the principle ones are: Creation of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra a) Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra Considered as the Atma Upanishad, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is the quintessence of His wisdom. Composed in a simple question-answer format, these 142 verses are compact yet profound in content. Composed in a single sitting of only one and a half hours, in Nadiad, Gujarat, at the young age of twenty-eight years, this magnum opus in philosophical literature, deals with the Soul and its existence, its eternal nature, its acquisition of karmic bondage, the consequences of that bondage, liberation from bondage and the path of attaining liberation and the Master. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ b) Mokshmala This text combines philosophy with ethics, blends lucidity with simplicity and presents a straightforward exposition on the true nature of Jainism. 108 lessons on liberation have been authored in the short span of three days by Shrimadji at the tender age of sixteen years and five months. c) Bhavnabodh This small book inspires the seeker to cultivate twelve sentiments or attitudes in order to remain non-attached to the material world. d) Pratimasiddhi Shrimadji found worshipping the Jina idols extremely helpful in attaining selfrealisation. Expressing His beliefs He wrote a small manuscript called Pratimasiddhi. Unfortunately, only the parts with the initial preface and conclusion are available. The main content of the text is unavailable. 2. Composition of Apurva Avsar Poetic Compositions Shrimadji also penned close to twenty poetic compositions of spiritual content, reflecting the intensity of His endeavour for self-emancipation. Though most of them are in Gujarati, a few have also been composed in Hindi. His compositions serve as windows to His Inner Self, reflections of His exalted state. Each word exudes the nectar of His wisdom and guidance along the path of liberation. While some of them elucidate the importance and greatness of the Sadguru, some espouse inner detachment and reveal the path of self-realisation. Spiritual in content, these exquisitely crafted compositions induce detachment and selfawareness. His words have the ability to inspire spirituality even in the hearts of those hankering after material happiness. Some of the popular compositions which are regularly recited in many hearts and homes are: Apurva Avsar Evo Kyare Aavshe Mool Marg Sambhlo Jinno Re Bina Nayan Pavey Nahi Hey Prabhu! Hey Prabhu! Shu Kahu Yam Niyam Sanjam Aap Kiyo Ichche Chhe Je Jogijan Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shrimadji writing commentaries 3. Translations And Commentaries For the benefit of seekers, sections of many Jain sutras and scriptures have been translated by Shrimadji into Gujarati. Notable amongst these are: • Shri Ratnakarandshravakachar Shri Uttaradhyayan Sutra Shri Dashvaikalik Sutra Jnanarnav Panchastikay • Dravyasangrah He has also written commentaries on certain sections of some important religious literature. These are: • Swaroday Jnan • Navtattva Prakran • Jivatattva Sambhandhi Vichar Samayasarnatak Aath Yogdrashtini Sajjhay Anandaghan Chovishi 4. Articles Shrimadji has written various articles. Some articles are titled, 'Muni Samagam', 'Jainmarg Vivek', 'Mokshsiddhant'; however, for the most part, either the complete article is unavailable or has been left incomplete. 5. Aphorisms About 1,116 moral and spiritual aphorisms compiled under various headings, such as, 'Pushpamala', 'Bodhvachan', 'Mahaniti', 'Vachanamrut' etc., have been written by Shrimadji, offering an insight into His deep rumination on universal subjects like conduct, correct thinking, ethics, straightforwardness, discrimination etc. Some address the readers as words of advice, some as preachings and others as general definitions. All of these reflect Shrimadji's profound interest in spirituality. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6. Personal Notes These are profound narratives which encompass His autobiography till the age of twenty two, His deep contemplation on metaphysical subjects, His unfathomable intrinsic state, beautiful poetic compositions as well as His thoughts on the various manuscripts He had intended to write. All these are included in the following works: Samucchay vayacharya Rojnishi Nondhbook • Haathnondh 7. Letters One of the priceless legacies of Shrimadji is the letters written to his disciples giving them guidance at every step of their spiritual growth and as such enormous insight into the problems a seeker faces and how to get over them. These can be universally used by any seeker at any time as a pathfinder at every stage of his progress. 8. Preachings Transcribed By Devotees On His travels to the areas of Kathiawad and Charotar, in Gujarat, Shrimadji would grace devotees and their homes with His august presence. Preachings and discussions on philosophy would ensue, often taking the form of questionanswers between the Guru and His devotees. These pearls of wisdom would be cherished and later penned, based on memory by the gratified devotees, sometimes even shown to Shrimadji Himself who would then fondly make the necessary corrections to the notes. These were then collated into four volumes entitled: • Updeshnondh • Updeshchhaya • Vyakhyansaar-1 • Vyakhyansaar-2 Thus, an integral part of Shrimadji's literature also includes these transcriptions made by His devotees. All the aforesaid teachings have been incorporated in a spiritually uplifting text entitled 'Shrimad Rajchandra', lovingly called 'Vachnamrut', which till date continues to quench the thirst of thousands of seekers, bestowing invaluable guidance on their journey to self-discovery. Shrimadji's teachings left an indelible mark on Gandhiji. Shrimadji's priceless letters and compositions were his constant companions - physically and mentally. He contemplated upon them and he also often recited Shrimadji's Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 16 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ poem "Nirkhine Nav Yauvana' to strengthen his belief in celibacy. He had also rendered Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra into English prose. In fact, he had carried this text of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra and some of the letters from Shrimadji with him to London - but the entire bundle was lost on a bus journey. Shrimadji's unique composition. 'Apurva Avsar Evo Kyare Aavshe?' was one of Gandhiji's favourite compositions which was included in his 'Ashram Bhajanavali' - a collection of devotional songs sung at his daily public prayer meetings. Gandhiji writes about Shrimadji's works, “The lines of his poem, 'When Will That Unique Moment Come?' (Apurva Avasar Evo Kyare Aavshe) are soaked in the spirit of detachment which I have seen epitomised in every moment of Shrimad's life during my last two years of deep and abiding friendship with him. His writings are unique in that, they unfold his real experience and do not contain even a single grain of artificiality. I have never seen him writing a single line with the ulterior motive of pleasing others. "[Raichandbhai na Ketlak Smarano – Shri Rajchandra Jeevanyatra tatha vicharratno, page 94] "It is my firm belief that those who want to free themselves from the torture of their souls, and are eager to know what is their main duty in this life, will gather a lot from Shrimad's writings, then may he be a Hindu and for that matter, follower of any other religion." [Raichandbhai na Ketlak Smarano – Shri Rajchandra Jeevanyatra tatha vicharratno, page 89] Contribution To The Nation Gandhiji's memorable accounts on Shrimadji testify the profound influence that Shrimadji's personality exerted on the Mahatma's life. Shrimadji's emphasis on truth, compassion and non-violence in every walk of life, later crystallised as the fundamental tenets of Gandhism, which played a significant role in the Indian struggle for independence. In the history of India, the success of Gandhiji's nonviolent struggle as a means of achieving freedom will be engraved in golden letters. Even in the history of the world his unique contributions will be immortalised. Gandhiji, who has been praised by the whole world as a messenger of non-violence, will ever remain indebted to the teachings of Shrimadji. Thus the role of Shrimadji's spiritual teachings in the regeneration of a new India can hardly be exaggerated. The inner bond between Shrimadji and Mahatma Gandhi initiated a brilliant new chapter, not only in their own lives, or in the history of Gujarat, but in the cultural, political and spiritual history of the entire nation. Source: website: Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FORMAT OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES 1. Book Name: * Asterisk indicates that the book is unavailable. 2. Author Name: Specify with name if edited or translated, etc. 3. Publisher Name: Abbreviations used are: Agas - Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Agas, Dharampur - Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur, Koba - Shrimad Rajchandra Adhyatmik Sadhna Kendra, Koba, Sayla - or Raj Sobhag Satsang Mandal, Sayla, Parli - Shrimad Rajchandra Atma Tatva Research Centre, Parli, 4. Edition with Publication Year: Specify year of earlier edition, if available. Specified, if reprint. Please deduct 56 from Vikram Samvat or 526 from Vir Samvat year to make it CE (AD) year. 5. Copyright and ISBN information is included wherever available. 6. Book Size and Number of Pages: HB = Hard Bound, PB = Paperback; Letter = 20x30 mm, Small = 12x21 mm, Booklet = 12x18 mm. 7. Price: Indian *** Mark indicates that the price is subsidized from the donations and it is below cost. 8. Contents: Contents; Dedication; Introduction; Preface; Translator's Note; Transliteration; Chapters; Sub-headings; Pictures; Acknowledgements; Thanks; Sources; Bibliography; Glossary; References; Index; author; places; subjects; words; Afterwards; Epilogue; Appendix; Others; specify. 9. Brief Review and Remarks: Specify any special information. NOTE: All available information is mentioned with good faith. 18 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES OF PUBLISHED LITERATURE 1. Analysis of Shrimad Rajchandra's Apurva Avsar (Spiritual Progression to Salvation) - A Translation; 2. Saroj Desai, Aruna Maniar, Dinesh Shah, Kirit Shah, Naren Shah, Prabodh Shah, Kishor Sheth, Usha Sheth & Anop Vora of Jain Study Group, Rochester; 3. Jain Society of Rochester, NY, USA; 4. March 1995; 6. 37 pgs, PB Ltr. 8. Introduction, Translation & Analysis, Appendix: Gunasthanakas and its graphical representation, Glossary. 2. The Letter of Six Fundamentals: English translation of "Chha Padno Patra" with explanation; 2. Manu Doshi, Chicago, USA; 3. Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago, USA; 6. 11 pgs, PB Ltr. 3. Shrimad Rajchandra: A Pictorial Biography; 2. Madhavi Ashwin Mehta; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed., November 1992; 6. 48 pgs., HB; 7. Rs. 10**; 8. Publisher's & Compiler's Notes, Donor's List, Pictures; 9. Book for children. Also, available in paper back from Agas. 4. A Pinnacle of Spirituality: The Inspirational Life of Shrimad Rajchandra; 2. Dr. Kumarpal Desai, Artist: Narendra Kansara; 3. Sayla; 4. 1st Ed., 2000; 5. Publisher; 6. 190 pgs, HB Ltr.; 8. Donors List, Dedication, Foreword, Life of Shrimad Rajchandra, 80 pictures with text, Gandhiji on Shrimad Rajchandra and Translation of Kshamapana; 9. Specially published on Dehvilay (anniversary centennial). Pinnacle of Spirituality was translated from the original work in Gujarati by Dr Kumarpal Desai. Together, the Gujarati and English versions have sold over 3,000 copies since publication. 70,000 people have view the film on Shrimad's life, in either Gujarati or English. The exhibition of 95 images has been visited by over 40,000 people globally. 5. Shrimad Rajachandra: A Life; 2. Digish Mehta; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed., 1978, 2nd 1991; 6. 125 pgs, HB Small; 7. Rs.10; 8. Preface, Foreword by Rasiklal C. Parikh, Publisher's Note, Introduction, 2 Pictures, and 20 Chapters, Index. 6. Shreemad Rajchandra, Brief Life Sketch; 2. Vimal Kumar; 3. Shrimad Rajachandra Prabhavak Trust; Banglore & Hubli; 4. 1st Ed.; 6. 16 pgs, PB Small; 7. Rs. 2; 8. Contents, Preface, Glossary, List of Important Centres with Addresses related with Shrimadji. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 19 Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. Nityakram, Short, Roman English; 2 & 3. Pravin Chhaganlal Patel, Nizar, Bardoli; 4. 1st Ed., 1991; 2nd Ed.; 6.47 pgs., PB Small; 7. Rs. 10; 8. Preface, Contents, 3 pictures, Key to Pronunciation, Transliteration, 21 Songs & Letters; 9. Original Gujarati text printed in Roman English script for those who cannot read Gujarati. 8. Bhavana Bodh (Soul Liberating Aspirations); 2. Dinu Mulji Patel; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed., 1988; 6. 58 pgs, PB Small; 7. Rs. 2; 8. Preface, Contents, Dedication, Forward, Explanation and teaching about the nature of twelve soul liberating aspirations, Life of Shrimad Rajchandra and Gandhiji's pen picture of Shrimadji. 9. Jeevankala: Originally in Gujarati by Brahmachari Govardhandas; 2. Translated by Dinu Mulji Patel; 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust, Banglore & Hubli; 4. 2nd Revised & 1st Ed., March 31, 2007 & 1991; 6. 190 pgs, PB Small; 7. Rs. 20 & Rs. 10; 8. Preface, Dedication, Author's Few Words, Introduction by Rasiklal C. Parikh, Contents, Biography of Shrimad Rajchandra in 27 (2nd Ed.) and 24 (1st Ed.) Chapters, Translation of Auspicious Day (Dhanya re Divas), self description story (swa-aatma vruttant) and The Use of Human Life, (English verse of letter [Patrank) 692). 2nd Ed. Include Mokshmala Balavbodh, Bhavnabodh and The Enlightened Teachings of Shreemad Rajchandra. 10. Jinamanjari (Vol. 23, No. 1); 'Remembering Shrimad Rajchandra, 1867 1901', special issue of half-yearly magazine; 2. Editor-in-Chief Dr. Bhuvanendra Kumar, Theme Guest Editor: Dr. Peter Flugel; 3. Bramhi Jain Society, Mississauga, ON., Canada; 4. April 2001; 5. © Authors; 6. 70 pgs, PB Small; 7. Rs. 60, US$ 2; 8. Four articles: i) Shrimad Rajchandra on the Role of the Sadguru for Self-Realization by D. M. Shah & U.K. Pungaliya; ii) Unity & Diversity Amongst the Followers of Shrimad Rajchandra by Emma Salter; iii) Amulya Tatva Vicara – An Early Poem of Srimad Rajachandra by Vinod Kapashi; and iv) Rajchandra and His Influence on Gandhi by Jagmohan Humar. 11. The Self Realization; 2. English verses by Pujya Brahmachari Govardhandasji and Prose explanation by Dinesh Mulji Patel; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 1985, 2nd Ed. 1994; 6. 122 pgs HB Small; 7. Rs. 10; 8. Publisher's Note, Introduction, Life of Shrimad Rajachandra, 4 Parts and 16 Chapters, 2 pictures, being the Translation of Aatmasiddhi of Shrimad Rajachandra plus reprints of verses and Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ letters, including Letter of Six Fundamentals, and Rare Thought of Reality, The Use of Human Life, letter (Patrank] # 692; Donors List. This translated English verse is reproduced in # 36, Shrimad Rajchandra Ardhshatabdi Granth, Agas. 12. I am The Soul! Vol 1 & 2; 2. English rendering of discourses originally in Gujarati of Aatmasiddhi Shastra by Dr. Tarulatabai Mahasatiji; 3. Sri Gujarati Swetamber Sthanakvasi Jain Association, Chennai with Research Foundation for Jainology, Chennai; 4. 1st Ed. Oct. 2000; 5. Publisher; 6. 820 pgs., 2 volumes, PB Small; 7. Rs. 400 per set or US $30; 8. Preface, Acknowledgement, About Us, Contents, Pictures, Introductions, Blessings, Chapters, Contemplation, Aatmasiddhi in Devnagri Script, Pictures of Original Manuscript. 13. Aatmasiddhi: Adhyaatma Gitaa and Aatmopnishad; 2. Manu Doshi; 3. Koba; 4. 1st Ed. June 2003; 6. 275 pgs HB Small; 7. Rs. 60 or U.S. $2; 8. Publisher's Note, Contents, Foreword, Preface, Prologue, 18 Chapters of Aatmasiddhi original Gujarati text in Roman script, verse translation and explanation & discussion, 2 Appendices of Rev. Brahmchariji's English 'SelfRealization' Verses and Letter of Six Fundamentals. 14. Philosophy and Spirituality of Srimad Rajchandra; 2. Dr. U. K. Pungaliya; 3. Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur and Sanmati Temple, Pune; 4. 1st Ed. 1996; 5. © Author; 6. 405 pgs PB Small; 7. Rs. 180; 8. Contents, Dedication, Picture, Foreword by N. K. Firodiya, Publisher's Note, Preface, Abbreviations, five Chapters, four Appendices – Shrimad Rajchandra's Interpretation of Certain Philosophical Contents, Glossary of Important Terms Occurring in Srimad's Literature, Index of Technical Terms and Aatmasiddhi Shastra with English verses, Bibliography; 9. This book is the revision of M. Phil. dissertation to Poona University, 1993, titled "Shrimad Rajchandra's Doctrine of Atma-Dharma and Aatmasiddhi”. 15. Shrimad Rajchandra's Anthology included in the book Raj Ratnamala; 2. Dr. Bhagwandas M. Mehta; 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyamandir, Vavania; 4. 1st Ed. October 21, 1977; 6. 238 pgs. HB Ltr; 7. Rs. 25; 8. Editorial, Contents, Aatmasiddhi, Songs and Letters, Pictures, Articles; There is a 6-page translation of 108 quotations from the Vachanamrut by the author. 9. Souvenir published on the opening ceremony of the School - Temple of Learning (Vidyamandir). Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16. Shrimad Rajchandra's Mokshmala; 2. Translation by Dinu M. Patel; 3. Agas; 5. PB Small; 8. Preface, Contents, Dedication; 9. Explanation of Mokshmala with 108 lessons on Jain philosophy. 17. Shrimad Rajchandra's Reply to Gandhiji's Questions; 2. English Translation as provided by Mani Bhuvan, Mumbai; 3. Agas; 4. 2nd Ed. 2001; 6. 32 pgs PB Booklet; 7. Re. 1**; 8. Foreword, Original Gujarati and English translated versions of 27 Questions & Answers, Pictures. 9. Shrimad Rajchandra's reply is dated October 20, 1894. 18. Mahatma Gandhi and Kavi Rajchandraji - Questions - Answered: 2. Translated in English by Pujyashri Brahmachäriji Govardhandas; 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Gyan Pracharak Trust, Ahmedabad; 4. 2nd Ed. 1989, 3rd Ed. 1991; 6. 24 pgs PB Booklet; 7. Rs. 2.50; 8. Shrimad Rajchandra's Life, Extracts of Gandhiji's speech in Hindi, Extracts from Gandhiji's Autobiography, 27 Questions - Answered, Pictures. 19. Shrimad Rajchandra - A Great Seer; 2. Dr. Saryu R. Mehta and Bhogilal G. Sheth; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 1971; 6. 208 pgs. HB Booklet; 7. Rs. 1.50; 8. Publishers's Note, Preface, Contents, six Chapters, 27 letters translated, are included in the book and in the order listed: 37, 76, 128, 135, 163, 172, 200, 254, 417, 609, 780, 832, 875, 194, 209, 211, 438, 751, 771, 779, 780, 783, 808, 833; Appendix - meanings of Gujarati words, Picture, Errata. 20. Mokshmala - Translation with Notes and Introduction; 2. Dr. Jagdishchandra Jain and Prof. M. B. Ghorpade; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 1972; 6. 234 pgs HB Booklet; 8. Publisher's Note, Introduction, Picture, Contents, 108 Lessons, Erratum. 21. The Blessed Ones' Philosophy of The Universe; 2. Shirish I. Shah; 3. English Edition Publishers & Distributors, Mumbai; 4. 1st Ed. Sept. 2005; 5. © Shirish I. Shah, ISBN No. 81-89066-84-6 Eng. Ed.; 6. 102 pgs.; 7. Rs. 95; 8. Dedication, Index, Foreword, 12 Chapters, Illustration, Glossary & Dictionary, This Book, The author. 22. Stars of the Universe - Part 1 and Stars of the Universe - Part 2 with Antarang Yoga: 2. Translation by Jaysinh Narayandas, Deolali (Devlali); 3. Bhogilal R. Mehta, Mumbai; 4. 1st Ed. 1999; 5. © Pankaj Jaysinh; 6. 24+36 pgs PB Booklets; 7. Part I Rs. 10; 8. Preface, Publisher's Page, Contents, Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Selected Sentences from Shrimad Rajchandra's Tatvagyan translated including Antarang Yoga. 23. Turn to Totality: Insight in the Expressions of Shrimad Rajchandra; 2. Saroj and Jaisinh Narayandas; 3. Pushpa D. Parekh Foundation, Mumbai; 4. 1st Ed. January 2000; 5. © Pankaj Jaysinh; 6. 32 pgs. PB Booklet; 8. Foreword, Contents, Nine Parables. 24. Aatma-siddhi (Self-Realization) by Shrimad Rajchandra; 2. Translation & Introduction by Dahyabhai C. Mehta; 3. Bharati Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai; 4. 1st Ed. 1976; 5. © Translator; 6. 90 pgs PB Booklet; 7. Rs. 4; 8. Bhavan's Book University - 211, Kulpati's Preface, Dedication, Introduction, 142 stanzas in Devnagri script translated in verses, About the Author. 25. The Self-Realization being the Translation of Aatmasiddhi of Shrimad Rajchandra; 2. Rai Bahadur J. L. Jaini; 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Gyan Pracharak Trust, Ahmedabad; 4. 1st Ed. 1923, 2nd Ed. 1960, 3rd Ed. 1964, 5th Ed. 1978; 6. 120 pgs PB Booklet; 7. Re. 1; 8. Extract of Gandhiji's Hindi Speech, Acknowledgement in Hindi, Foreword, Pictures, Contents, Four Parts - Life, Original Gujarati Text, Sanskrit and English Translations with Commentary. Extra 16 pages of translation of Philosophy of Six Pad or Spiritual Steps of Shrimad Rajchandra by Dr. Bhagwandas Mansukh Mehta in English and Hindi. 26. Shrimad Rajchandra's Atmasiddhi Shastra*, 2. English translation by Ramnik Chudgar; 3. Sayla; 4. 1st Ed. 1997; 6. 80 pgs PB Booklet; 8. Pictures, Preface, Translator's Life, Shrimad Rajchandra's Original Gujarati Verses with Gujarati Prose Explanation of Shree Ambalal Lalchand and English translation by the Author. 27. Series of Booklets in English from the Pravachans booklets in Gujarati of the Discourses by Param Pujyashri Rakeshbhai Jhaveri from time to time. These booklets are jointly translated by Dr. Bharat Shah, Dr. Kalpana Desai, Atmarpit Snehal Shah and Shreya Rupani-Sheth; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2004 omwards; 6. PB Booklets; 7. Rs. 4 each - first six and Rs. 100 for each box of 7 to 12 and 13 to 18. [Divine Discourses – 1, 2, 3 & 4 (each of six booklets)]; 8. Translations of discourses given by Pujyashri Rakeshbhai Jhaveri. 1) Self-realization: An End to all suffering: Letter (Patrank) 637; 2004 No. 3; 8 February 2004; 44 pgs. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2) The chemistry of bondage: Updeshchhaya 6; 2004 No. 6; 7 March 2004, 36 pgs. 3) Sadguru - A Parasmani: Updeshchhaya 9; 2004 No. 19: 11 April 2004, 34 pgs. 4) Human Birth - An Invaluable Opportunity: Letter (Patrank) 102; 2004 No. 11; 25 April 2004, 36 pgs. 5) Divine Discontentment: Letter (Patrank) 241, 2004 No. 14; 6 June 2004, 35 pgs. 6) Religion - Simple & Blissful: Letter (Patrank) 843, 2004 No. 18; 8 June 2004, 43 pgs. 7) The Tricks the Mind Plays: Letter (Patrank) 373, 2004 No. 15; 20 June 2004, 48 Pages. 8) The Witnessing Consciousness: Letter (Patrank) 408, 2004 No. 17; 18 July 2004,51 Pages. 9) Invaluable is the Life of Self-Realization: Letter (Patrank) 319, 2007 No. 1; 7 January 2007, 60 Pages. 10) Awareness for Enlightenment: Letter (Patrank) 486, 2007 No. 3; 4 February 2007, 46 Pages. 11) An Aspirant's Dharma - Total Acceptance: Letter (Patrank) 217, 2007 No. 6; 18 March 2007, 67 Pages. 12) Embark on the Inner Journey: Letter (Patrank) 654, 2007 No. 7; 15 April 2007, 52 Pages. 13) Dispassion and Meditation: Updeshchhaya - 4, 2008 No. 3; 3 February 2008, 50 Pages. 14) Freedom from Delusion: Letter (Patrank) 534, 2008 No. 5; 2 March 2008, 47 Pages. 15) Awaken from your Slumber: Letter (Patrank) 493, 2008 No. 8; 4 May 2008, 51 Pages. 16) Dissolving in Devotion: Letter (Patrank) 250, 2008 No. 9; 18 May 2008, 46 Pages. 17) A Thirst for the Eternal: Letter (Patrank) 108, 2008 No. 10; 22 June 2008, 48 Pages. 18) Knowing your Self: Vyakhyansar - 1/93, 2008 No. 11; 6 July 2008, 52 Pages. 19) Samayik - The Art of Turning Within: 20) The Enlightened One: A Traditionalist or A Reformist 21) Path of Devotion: 22) Guru: Manifestation of the Supreme: 23) The Stages of the Inward Journey: 24) Only HE may sleep Peacefully: Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28. Samayika, Journey Towards Peace & Tranquility; 2. Manu Doshi, Chicago, USA; 3. Indira Mansukhlal Doshi Memorial Trust, Chicago, USA,, 963 Goldenrod Lane, Lake Forest, IL, 60045; 4. 1st Ed. 1995; 2nd Ed. 1999; 6. 60 pgs. PB Small; 8. Contents, Prefaces, Dedication, Part I & II. Part II: English Translations with Explanations of Amulya Tattvavichar, Apurva Avsar, Letter of Six Fundamentals, Atonement (Kshmapana) with original Gujarati texts. Some of these articles were published in different issues of Jin Darshan (see #88), publication of the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago, USA. 29. Shrimad Rajchandra, Pioneer of Spiritual Era*; 2. Jagdish Chandra Jain; 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Gnan Mandir, Ghatkopar, Mumbai. 6. 26 pgs. PB small. 30. Shreemad Rajachandrajee, The Indian Saint & Seer; 3. Shreemad Rajchandra Nijabhyas Mandal, Vadva, Cambay; 4. January 1936; 6. 10 pgs, PB, Ltr. 8. Three articles in English with its Gujarati translations are reproduced in the Publication: (a) 'A Great Seer' by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi from The Modern Review, Whole No. 282, June 1930, (b) Jain Worthies from December 1934 issue of The Jaina Gazette, the monthly organ of the All India Jain Association, (c) Indians of Today: A Jain Philosopher from Allahabad's Pioneer of 22 May 1901. Brief details about Shreemad Rajchandra Nijabhyas Mandal, Vadva, Cambay. 31. My Experiments with Truth, An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. 2. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. 3. Navjivan Press, Ahmedabad; 4. 1927; 8. This book contains a chapter on Raichandbhai and several other references about him in the book. 32. Know the Knower of Knowledge*: You are Divine Soul; 2. Tr. by Chaitnya Desai; 3. Shreemad Rajchandra Knowledge Foundation, Bardoli; 4. October 2005; 6. 50 pgs., PB, Booklet; 7. Value: Practice in Life; 8. Based on meditation practice discourses as taught by Dr. Tarulatabai Mahasatiji (see # 12 above) for contemplation on the soul (atma-chintan) in 31 'Topic-A-Day' for daily practice. Book contains in Roman Script, the Vandana, Pranipata Stuti and Bahu Punya Kera, devotional songs, Pictures. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 25 Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33. Wall Calendar*; 3. Shreemad Rajchandra Knowledge Foundation, Bardoli; 8. This is a 'Page-A-Day' perpetual calendar with various quotations translated in English from the Shrimadji's letters and writings. Small beautiful pictures of several temples and places visited by Shrimadji are included. 34. Newspaper Articles in English; Indian Spectator of November 11, 1886 and Times of India of January 24, 1887, published news items about the Shatavdhan feet of Shrimadji; and Pioneer of May 22, 1901 carried the obituary. (See #30 above). 35. Biography & Inspiring Episodes; 5 Books. 2. Translated by Digish Mehta of original in Gujarati by Mukul Kalarthi; 3. Agas; 4. 5th Ed. 2004; 6. 36+39+45+34+48 pgs, PB, small; 7. Rs. 10**; 8. Book 1: Shrimad Rajchandra's abridged biography; Books 2 to 5: Inspiring episodes from the religious teachings. 36. Shrimad Rajchandra Bi-centennial Anniversary Volume (Ardha Shatabdi Granth); 3. Agas; 4. 2nd Ed. 1988, 1st Ed. 1952; 6. 204 pgs. HB, Letter; 8. 50 Articles and information about 46 organizations connected with Shrimadji, Last song by Shrimadji. Contents include article about Gandhi Mandap Exhibition, New Delhi, January 30, 1949, Indians of Today, The Pioneer, May 22, 1901, Self-Realization by Shree Brahmachariji and the Letter of Prof. A. N. Upadhye of Kohlapur re. Agas Ashram. 37. Srimad Rajchandraji's Atma-siddhi, In Search of the Soul: 2. Translated by Chandrika; 3. Vakil's,; 4. 1st Ed. 2006; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, 350 Pages; 7. Rs. 340; 8. An Acknowledgement, SR's life, Contemporaries, SR's Literary Achievements, The Atma Siddhi: The method in the Matter, Publisher's Note, Original Gujarati, Hindi and English Renditions with her Essence of 142 Verses of Atmasiddhi in ten parts, Bibliography and Glossary of Terms. Gandhiji's tribute to SR while presiding over the Shrimad Rajchandra Jayanti at Ahmedabad - Quoted from J. L. Jaini's book (see #25) Atmasiddhi published in 1923 is printed on the back page. Author's intro at inside page. Three pictures of SR are reproduced. 38. Jivankala, The Life and Mission of Shrimad Rajchandra: 2. Translation by Manu Doshi of Jivankala, the Gujarati book by Revered Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Brahmachari Govardhandasji; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. August 2006; 6. HB, Small, 320 pages; 7. Rs. 10** (Cost Rs. 70); 8. Publisher's Note, Dedication, Agas Ashram Information, Introduction (Rasiklal C. Parikh), A Few Words, Translator's Note, Life & Mission in 27 chapters, Donors List and List of publications of Agas. 39. Sapta-Bhashi Atmasiddhi, (Atmasiddhi in Seven Languages), The Supreme Golden Summit of Self Realization. Shrimad Rajchandraji's Epic Song of Self Realization - Atmasiddhi, original in Gujarati along with six other lingual presentations including in English published on Shrimadji's Param Samadhi (emancipation) Centenary; 2 Edited by Prof. Pratapkumar Tolia & Sumitra P. Tolia; 3. Jina Bharti, Prabhat Complex, K.G. Road, Banglore, 560 009; 4. 1st Ed. 2001; 5. ©Publisher #81901341-0-9; 6. PB, Letter, 178 pgs. 7. Rs.301 /US$51; 8. Inspires, Editors, Publishers, Compositions, Transcription and Transliteration, Editorial, Introduction, Dedication, Acknowledgement, Prelude, Texts and other information. 40. Apoorva Avsar, The Unprecedented Occasion; 2 Translated by Manu Doshi from the original text in Gujarati by Shrimad Rajchandra; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 2007; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB Small 58 pgs. 7. Rs.5** Cost Rs.35; 8. Ashram's Intro, Pictures, Commentary, Donor's & Books Lists. 41. The Life of H H Laghuräjswämi (Prabhushriji); 2 Translated by Manu Doshi based on the original text in Gujarati by Rev. Brahmachäriji; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 2008; 5. Publisher; 6. HB Small 154 pgs. 7. Rs.5** Cost Rs.60; 8. Ashram's Intro, Pictures, Biography in 21 chapters, In Adoration, Donor's & Books Lists. 42. The Life of Brahmachäriji; 2. Translated by Manu Doshi based on Jivan Rekha in Gujarati by Shanti Patel; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 2008; 5. Publisher; 6. PB Small 70 pgs. 7. Rs.5** Cost Rs.30; 8. Humble Statement, In Memorial, Ashram's Intro., Pictures, Biography in 7 chapters, Donor's & Books Lists. 43. Mokshmala; 2 Translated by Manu Doshi from the original text in Gujarati by Shrimad Rajchandra; 3. Agas; 4. 1st Ed. 2009; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB Small 240 pgs. 7. Rs.10** Cost Rs.82; 8. Ashram's Intro., Pictures, Commentary on 108 Lessons, Donor's & Books Lists. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44. Shreemad Rajchandra and Mahatma Gandhiji ; 2 Dr. Kumarpal Desai; 3. Sayla; 4. 1st Ed. 2009; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small; 8. Complete exchange of letters between the two great personalities along with brief life of both and other related details. 45. Unprecedented Thoughts In search of the Self: 2. PP Pappaji Shree Pravin Mehta; 3. Parli; 4. 1st Ed. 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small; 7. Rs.90; 8. Discourses translated from Hindi of Apoorva Vichaar. 46. Embark on the Inner Journey: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small 154 pg.; 7. Rs. 100; 8. Four Discourses on topics of Vachnamrutji's letters [843, 654, 76, and U-Chhaya 6] translated from Guajarati by Atmarpit Snehal Shah. This book is published in five Indian (Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali and Tamil) and five foreign (English, Spanish, French, German and Mandarin) languages and in Braille for the Blind. 47. A Life Worth Living: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HC, Small 184 pg.; 7. Rs.100; 8. Four Discourses on topics of Vachnamrutji's letters Human Birth - An invaluable Opportunity (Patrank 102), Satsang - A Way of Life (P. 214), Yearning for the Divine (U-Chhaya 3) and The Essence of the Scriptures (V-Saar 2/4(18). Brief intro of Shrimadji, PP Gurudev and the Mission is included. Book is translated into English from Guajarati by Dr. Bharatbhai Shah. This book is also published in Hindi language. 48. Jinpuja; 2 & 3. Dharampur: 4. 1st Ed. 2009; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small 102 pg.; 7. Rs.75; 8. A simple comprehensive explanation of the rituals of Jinpuja. Sadguru Echoes, Monthly magazine with articles in three - English, Gujarati and Hindi languages: 2. Editor Apurva Kothari; 3. SRMD (SRA, Dharampur); 4. Vol.1 # 1 April 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, app. 72 pg.; 7. Rs. 100 yearly subscription; 8. Articles and vide variety of subjects are covered including Mission's activities with photographs. 50. Seek Thy Eternal Self: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small 180 pg.; 7. Rs.100; 8. Four enlightening discourses bring solace and direction to the seeker's parched heart and troubled mind. Vachnamrutji's letters 637, Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Upedeshchhaya 9, 373, Upedeshchhaya translated from Guajarati. This book is published in two Indian languages - Gujarati, Hindi besides English. Four chapters: Self-realization - An end to all suffering; Sadguru - A Parasmani; The Tricks the Mind Plays and Dispassion and Meditation. A complete guide for travelers on the path of self-discovery. 51. Ananya Parivartan: Bi-monthly magazine with articles in three - English, Gujarati and Hindi languages; 2. Editor: Meena Goshar email: 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Aatma Tatva Research Centre, Rajnagar, Parli, Gothavade, Sudhagadh, Off Khapoli-Pali Rd., Raighd Dist., Maharashtra, 410205, or ; 4. Vol. 1#1 July 2007; and onwards. 5. ©Publisher ; 6. PB, app. 48 pg.; 7. Rs.250 yearly subscription; 8. Articles and vide variety of subjects are covered including SRATRC's activities with photographs. 52. Mantramulam Guruvakyam: Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. SRMD (SRA, Dharampur); 4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 199 pgs.; 7. Rs. 100; 8. Four enlightening discourses that extol the virtues the Sadguru and His teachings. Vachnamrutji's letters627, 194, 511, Updeshnodh - 16, translated from Guajarati. This book is published in two Indian languages - Gujarati, Hindi besides English. 53. Rajgeeta, English Translation with Commentary of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra; 2. Manu Doshi; 3. Dharampur; 4. 2nd Ed. August 2012; 6. 272 pgs HB Small; 7. Rs. 100; 8. This is the revised-updated 2nd ed. of the Aatmasiddhi: Adhyaatma Gitaa and Aatmopnishad (see No. 13 above); Forward P.P. Rakeshbhai, Letter of APJ Abdul Kalam, Publisher's Note, Contents, Foreword, Two Prefaces of 1st & 2nd Eds., Prologue, 18 Chapters of Aatmasiddhi original Gujarati text in Roman script, verse translation and explanation & discussion, 2 Appendices of Rev. Brahmchariji's English 'Self-Realization' Verses and Letter of Six Fundamentals. 54. Apurva Avsar: Meditation and Questions & Answers Paper. 36 pages' booklet privately published. Contents included explanations of the 21 verses and three Q&A Paper Verses 1 to 8, 9 to 14 and 15 to 21. 55. The Path Enlightened: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 179 pgs.; 7. Rs.100; 8. This is a compilation of 4 Pravachans, is a spiritual bible for seekers Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of all ages and stages in the divine quest. Four enlightening discourses that extol the virtues the Sadguru and His teachings. Vachnamrutji's letters 627, 194, 511, Updeshnodh - 16, translated from Guajarati. Encompassing a wealth of wisdom that enables a seeker to journey from the first step of spirituality unto enlightenment, 'The Path Enlightened' is a must read for anyone in search of Truth. The chapter, 'Peaceful and Blissful Dharma', describes how the desire to experience Pure Consciousness is ignited. 'Dharma through Introspection' urges the seeker to neither indulge in nor deny his desires. It illustrates how paying close attention to his emotions will enhance the spiritual practice. Adopting dharma as a way of life, it becomes ‘My dharma' as the aspirant strives to maintain greater awareness in all circumstances. Finally, as remembrance of the soul and alertness increase, True Dharma' depicts how he can practice religion in its purest form and vanquish ignorance forever. This book is published in two Indian languages - Gujarati, Hindi besides English. 56. Impressions: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 279 pgs.; 7. Rs. 100; 8. When Spiritual Beings like Param Krupaludev, Shrimad Rajchandraji traverse the earth, pearls of wisdom like Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra effortlessly emanate from their consciousness, influencing the lives of many. An in-depth study of this magnificent scripture brings about deep-seated transformations in a true seeker. A sequel to Reflections, which gave an insight into the impact of this treatise on the four worthy disciples who were its first recipients, Impressions comprises four soul stimulating Pravachans. Each chapter unfolds the effect of the eternal composition on these great personalities: Pujya Shri Kanjiswami, Pujya Shri Brahmachariji, Pandit Sukhlalji and Shri Mansukhbhai Kiratchand Mehta. Reflecting upon Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra and endeavouring to realise the state described therein is sure to elevate an aspirant to great spiritual heights. This book is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi 57. Bliss Within: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2013; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 200 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. This is a compilation of four enlightening discourses that extol the virtues the Sadguru and His teachings. Vachnamrutji's letters 331, 108, 832 and 166, translated from Gujarati. By the immeasurable benevolence of the Sadguru, through practical experiments, developing affinity for the self, 30 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ come, let us march forth and experience the Bliss Within. This book is published in two Indian languages - Gujarati, Hindi besides English. 58. Reflections: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 268 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. The book "Reflections', a compilation of 4 Pravachans of Pujyashri Gurudev offers a glimpse into the impact of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra on the lives of these 4 worthy souls - Pujya Shri Sobhagbhai, Pujya Shri Lalluji Muni, Pujya Shri Ambalalbhai and Pujya Shri Maneklal Ghelabhai. Commemorating the 115th anniversary of the creation of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, it has been released on Aso Vad Ekam. A treat for the keen seeker, enabling him to gain an insight into how a true devotee imbibes His Guru's words such that they become a part of him, this book is sure to help one take a leap on the inward journey. It is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. 59. Mokshmulam Gurukrupa: His Grace I will Seek: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; Tran. By Vanprastha Dr. Bharatbhai Shah; 3. Dharampur, 4. 1st Ed. 22 July 2013; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 224 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. A spiritual journey begins with the divine intervention of the Guru. Deluded in darkness, the disciple meets with the light of wisdom, and the metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a winged butterfly unfolds. When the disciple can fathom and comprehend the greatness of the Master, he delves into the majestic, inner state. Along the way, there are the ups and downs - where the disciple may even be fearful of the Guru, of letting go personal likes and dislikes, and dissolving the ego. With His skilful and loving guidance, the aspirant slowly but surely, with persistence and faith overcomes the blocks - gracefully progressing on the path to self-realisation. When he advances to surrender everything at the altar of the Guru, learns the art of living in His folds and transforms his being, it is then that Divine Union is attained. This journey of a beautiful Guru - shishya relationship, with all its profound facets and fascinating nuances is uncovered and portrayed in Mokshmulam Gurukrupa - a compilation of four soul-stirring discourses by Pujyashri Gurudev. It is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. Based on Patrank no. 254, 817, Updeshchaya 5 and P. no. 147. 60. Pujamulam Gurupadam: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 22 July 2013; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 171 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. Worship is not confined to physical activities or Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ repetition of words. It is an unfolding of the heart, a prayerful effort to imbibe the magnificent qualities of the One whose Lotus Feet are worshipped. Pujyashri Gurudev has provided inspiration to embark on the supreme path of devotion by depicting the entire journey and its various stages through four pravachans in this elevating book. 'Attaining Truth from the Enlightened' elucidates that Truth is simple and easy to understand, but it is in the presence of the Guru that the hindrances in attaining it can be overcome. 'Love the Enlightened One' depicts how the seeker's inner escapade begins with a small capital of love, which is impure too. It is through the guidance of the Guru that the aspirant eliminates his expectations and false beliefs, transforming his tainted love into pure devotion. 'Surrendership - the key to Dissolving the Ego' explains how the disciple realises the folly of the ego and exhibits a willingness to surrender it at the Lotus Feet of the Guru. 'Divine Yearning' illustrates that while the devotee experiences the profundity of love, he also goes through fervent yearning to become one with the Supreme, culminating in the experience of the ecstasy of the Soul. Gurupurnima is an invaluable occasion for the aspirant to bring about a transformation by worshipping the Divine Feet of the Guru, absorbing His Divine Countenance and imbibing His nectar-like words. Two books eulogising the virtues of the Guru have been launched on this auspicious occasion - Mokshmulam Gurukrupa' in 2011 and ‘Mantramulam Guruvakyam' in 2012. Continuing this tradition is 'Pujamulam Gurupadam'. Available in English, Gujarati and Hindi, this series is sure to strengthen one's devotion towards the Guru. Come, revel in the grace of the Guru. 61. Time to Awaken; 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 22 July 2013; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 171 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; The Enlightened Ones have described the human birth as a wonderful opportunity to amend deluded beliefs, eradicate miseries and attain eternal happiness. They exhort us to make the most of this invaluable chance and not fritter it away in seeking material pleasures. On the auspicious occasion of Paryushan, to enrich the spiritual path for aspirants, a compilation of 4 enlivening discourses by Pujyashri Gurudev, 'Time to Awaken' has been launched. The first chapter, 'Only He May Sleep Peacefully' eloquently outlines how awareness of death can bring about a transformation in one's life and enhance spiritual upliftment. The next chapter, 'Freedom from Delusion' powerfully explains that love for God enables a seeker to cut through the web of Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ delusion, while 'Invaluable is the Life of Self-Realisation' elucidates how the sustained company of the Enlightened Master brings him closer to the Self. 'Knowing Your Self, the final chapter evokes the aspirant's intense efforts to connect to the Eternal Consciousness by shifting his focus away from the transient body and identifying with the Pure Self. Through the wisdom encapsulated in this book let us shake off the importance of the non-self and realize the goal of self-realization. This book is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. Bliss of Wisdom, Bi-monthly magazine with articles in three - English, Gujarati and Hindi languages; 2. Editor: Gautam Kamdar + 91 9582220555. 3. Shrimad Rajchandra Mission - The Kendra Delhi, 76 Tarun Enclave, Pitam Pura, Delhi 110 034; For Courier: 518-9 Ring Rd Mall Mangalam Place, Rohini Sec-3, Delhi 110 085. 4. Vol. 1#1 July 2007; and onwards. 5. ©Publisher Shrimad Rajchandra Mission – The Kendra; 6. PB, app. 48 pg.; 7. Rs.250 yearly subscription; 8. SRMK publishes annual magazines with spiritually enriching content and summing up the entire year. You can order the hard-copies as well as download the softcopy to read them instantly. Articles and vide variety of subjects are covered including SRMK's activities with photographs. 63. Satsangs Booklets: Satsang Discourses on Vachnamrutji by Param Pujyashri Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai are published in booklet forms since long. 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75"; 7. Rs. 10 each; 8. Different Vachnamruts (Letters) are published besides DVD and MP3 are available. 64. Shrimad Rajchandra - Saga of Spirituality: 2. Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2014; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 275 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. Indian history has been illuminated by the presence of various remarkable Enlightened Masters. One such jewel of Indian history, who stands apart due to His fragrant virtues and literary excellence, is Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandraji. Thus, to ensure that the exemplary life of this Enlightened Soul, spreads across all corners of the world and stimulates maximum people to reach great spiritual heights, this book is available in 10 different languages - English, Gujarati, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, German, Mandarin, Spanish and French. Open a new chapter of Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ spiritual elevation in your life, through this inspirational book. The book included list of institutions in the name of Param Krupaludev. 65. Dhyanmulam Gurumurti: His Form will Meditate 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2014; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, 5"x7.75", 205 pgs.; 7. Rs.250; Elucidating every step of the spiritual journey to the ultimate destination; offering simple and effective solutions to overcome all obstacles; and unfailingly acknowledging every success – such a benevolent guide is the Guru. To celebrate the Guru's boundless virtues and incessant compassion, Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur continues with the tradition of releasing a book by Pujya Gurudevshri on the auspicious occasion of Gurupurnima. This year, following the series of 'Mokshmulam Gurukrupa', 'Mantramulam Guruvakyam', and 'Pujamulam Gurupadam', is 'Dhyanmulam Gurumurti'. Decoding the Sadguru's extraordinary spiritual state and the amazing ways in which He sculpts His disciple, 'Dhyanmulam Gurumurti', is a compilation of four of Pujya Gurudevshri's discourses illuminating the essential features of the path of devotion. Through its awakening chapters, 'Selfless Compassion of the Enlightened Ones', 'The Company of the Enlightened in the Transient World', 'Unswerving Abidance in the Guru's Commands' and 'Shun Cowardice in the Guru's Presence', Pujya Gurudevshri illustrates how the Sadguru brings about a radical realisation in the seeker that true happiness lies within. Demonstrating the fleeting nature of external gains, the Guru awakens the disciple from the slumber of ignorance. Comprehending the colossal loss incurred by fortifying the ego, the seeker resolves to lead a life dedicated to following the Guru's instructions and delves within. The Guru thus leads one from words to silence. Let us consecrate this sacred living idol in the temple of our hearts and meditate upon Him with unflinching dedication. Book include discussion of Patrank #s 493, 31, 166 and Vyakhyansar 2/10(8). This book is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. 66. Expressions: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 296 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. Like a perennial river that blesses the land it passes through with abundance and prosperity, the words of the Enlightened Ones imbue beings with ever new joy. Since its creation, Param Krupaludev's timeless masterpiece Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra has had a profound impact on several virtuous souls leading them towards contemplation and Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ realisation of the Self. Third in the inspiring series, following 'Reflections' and Impressions' is the book, 'Expressions'. It is a compilation of Pujya Gurudevshri's pravachans on the soul-stirring effect of this magnum opus on four exalted personalities; Pujyashri Sahajanandghanji (Bhadramuni), Pujyashri Vimala Thakar (Vimalatai), Shri Bhogilal G. Sheth and Dr. Shri Bhagwandas Mehta. Let us fly on the wings of wisdom imbibed from this text and soar from the temporal to the eternal to experience our True Self. This book is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. 67. Ajnabhakti 2. Translated & Explanations by Manu Doshi; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2014; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 418 pgs.; 7. Rs.300; 8. Complete Ajnabhakti original Gujarati text, Text in Roman script and English translation of Morning Devvandan, Chaityavandan, Evening Devvandan, Arti & Mangal Divo are included. 68. Rethinking Religious Authority: A Perspective on the Followers of Śrīmad Rājacandra; 2. Emma Salter; Ed. P. Flügel, 3. Routledge, London: 4. 1st Ed. 2006; 5. Studies in Jaina History and Culture: Doctrines and Dialogues. 241-262. 8. Emma's thesis. Flügel, Peter (2005) Present Lord: Simandhara Svami and the Akram Vijnan Movement. In: King, Anna S. and Brockington, John, (eds.), The Intimate Other: Love Divine in the Indic Religions. New Delhi: Orient Longman, pp. 194-243. Flügel, Peter (2005) Beyond the Hindu Frontier: Jaina-Vaişņava Syncretism in the Gujarāti Diaspora I. 'International Journal of Tantric Studies, 7 (1). pp. 1-43. Flügel, Peter (2005) Beyond the Hindu Frontier: Jaina-Vaişňava Syncretism in the Gujarātī Diaspora II. 'International Journal of Tantric Studies, 7 (2). 69. Mrutyorma Amrutam Gamaya 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2015; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75",196 pgs.; 7. Rs. 150; 8. Is it possible to pass through the agony of death peacefully? Can you endure its crushing effect with equanimity? The answer is a resounding Yes. Life and death are two sides of the same coin. By understanding and transforming the way you live today, you can move forward on a path that leads you beyond death. Mrutyorma Amrutam Gamaya is an immersive experience to learn the art of living and become adept in the art of dying. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The book Mrutyorma Amrutam Gamaya is a compilation of four discourses by Pujya Gurudevshri, based on the pearls of wisdom imparted by Param Krupaludev. Enriched with invaluable guidance on the essence of spirituality, the chapter, 'Death - a Fundamental Truth of Life' rouses the seeker to this elemental reality. 'Awaken to Death - Seek Immortality' encourages the aspirant to go beyond worldly temptations in search of the Eternal. To help decrease attachment and doer ship in life, wareness of Death while Alive' emboldens the seeker to make the study of death an active spiritual practice. 'An Enlightened Passing' through the example of Param Krupaludev's extraordinary state whilst leaving His body, inspires the aspirant to develop worthiness for such a glorious transition. Mrutyorma Amrutam Gamaya is sure to bring about a deep-seated transformation in your approach to life, and further your journey towards the Immortal. This book is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. Is it possible to pass through the agony of death peacefully? 70. A Divine Union: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3 Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2015; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 162 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. That which endows life with joy, is religion. One who bestows such an everlasting bliss in our hearts is the Sadguru. A life of renunciation denotes a resolve to break free from the delusion of infinite lifetimes and to embark on the path towards the Eternal. 'A Divine Union' is replete with insightful teachings that help us gain an authentic understanding of renunciation. The chapter, 'Renunciation: An Act of Intense Love' helps to illustrate how every act of a Sadguru is purposefully designed to awaken seekers from their spiritual slumber. 'Wed to the Eternal shows the singular importance of divine pursuit and how to attain liberation. 'Experience the Unbound shows the seeker on the path means of overcoming fears and other obstacles. 'Renunciation Requires Courage' states that those who lead a disciplined life and utilize satsangs to transform themselves can experience fulfilment. 'A Divine Union' will kindle your passion for renunciation and prove as a guiding light on the path towards experiencing true happiness. Book contains discourses about Patrank 166/pg. 264; Aank 84/pg. 300; Patrank 124/ pg. 219 and Patrank 934/pg. 651. This book is available in English, Gujarati and Hindi. 71. Sadguru Insights: 50 Enlightening Lessons From The Master: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2016; Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75",200 pgs.; 7. Rs.300; 8. An insight is a deep understanding of the true nature of someone or something that stems from profound wisdom and direct experience. When the source of this insight is a Sadguru, it becomes even more meaningful. Sadguru Insights is a treasure trove of 50 articles by Pujya Gurudevshri encompassing a wide array of subjects. Through these chapters, the Sadguru initiates a spiritual quest in a seeker, inviting him to investigate the purpose of the human birth and discover the essence of life through right comprehension of human suffering and causes of bondage. He shows the path to break free from the chains through the correct practice of religion. He emphasizes that the only way to get rid of the darkness of lifetimes of ignorance is through the gracious presence of the Sadguru and unconditional surrender of the ego at His Lotus Feet. The messages contained in the articles encourage the aspirant to abandon hope of finding everlasting happiness in the material world and turn inward to discover his pure, peaceful and powerful Self. Sadguru Insights is an invitation to question our understanding of life, scrutinize our preconceived notions, redefine the application of religion and embrace a new approach towards oneself and the world through the enlightened vision of a Spiritual Master. With the nurturing of spirituality through these articles, life will take on a festive dimension becoming an ongoing celebration. Aptly presented on Pujya Gurudevshri's Golden Jubilee Year celebrations, this book is sure to bring about an inner revolution! 72. Sadguru Nuggets: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2016; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75",200 pgs.; 7. Rs.350; 8. A miniscule atom contains a copious amount of energy within it; a tiny acorn can become a mighty oak. Similarly, a nugget of wisdom from the Sadguru has the power to awaken and irrevocably transform the disciple. Sadguru Nuggets is a collection of the Master's teachings encapsulated in 100 priceless quips, relevant to all times. Each one sparks fresh thinking into our lives and our view of the world. An amalgam of wisdom, wit and humour, these nuggets are presented in a question and answer format. They will take but a minute to read, an instant to align to the Truth and a lifetime to live in its glory. Small in size but vast in stature, each nugget is overflowing with hope and motivation, waiting to be savoured with an open mind and a receptive heart. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 73. Shrimad Rajchandra's Atma Siddhi Shastra: Holy Scripture In Search of the Soul: 2. Fulchand Shastri; 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed. 2015; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 7. N/A; 8. Concise Explanation - English Translation of 142 Stanzas. This book is going to be translated into 415 languages of 142 countries. 74. Self Realisation - A Deep Study: 2. Fulchand Shastri; Eng.-Translation by Dr. Shilpa Pradip Mehta; 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 8. This book is the English translation of "Atma Siddhi Anushilan". 75. Wisdom of the Transient & Realization of the Eternal: 2. Fulchand Shastri; English translation by Dr. Shilpa Pradip Mehta. 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 8. The book explains the universe, which is transient and the Soul, which is eternal. Omniscient God has preached that the Soul is the center point in the universe. One who knows his own Soul, knows the whole universe. The infinite cycles of birth and death have caused untold unhappiness. Realization of the eternal soul is supreme bliss. Realization of the eternal is only possible by wisdom of the transient. When the soul meditates on his own self, management of the universe will not stop, because the soul is not a doer of the universe. 76. Multiple Viewpoints on Terrorism: English translation by Dr. Shilpa Pradip Mehta of "Atankvaad mein anekantvaad" 2. Fulchand Shastri; 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed. 15 August 2015; 5. © Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 84 pgs.; 8. The 26/11/2008 terrorist-attacks in Mumbai inspired Fulchandji to write the booklet 'Atankvaad mein anekaantvaad' in Hindi and this is the English Translation. 77. End of an Auspicious Karma: 2. Fulchand Shastri; Translated by Dr. Shilpa Pradip Mehta 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 8."End of Auspicious Karma" is the English translation of "Punya Viram" to convince people that even though punya does not take one to moksha, it is necessary to do punya till one reaches a certain level of purity of the Soul. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78. Who is Lord Mahavir's Successor? 2. Fulchand Shastri; 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 8. "Who is Lord Mahavir's Successor?" book is the English translation of "Mahavir na bodh ne Patra Kon?" Vachnamrutji Patrank Letter 105/pg. 210. 79. Don't Kill Me! 2. Fulchand Shastri; 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 8. Don't Kill Me "Jangan Bunuh Saya", in Indonesian language, in a scientific manner, has inspired many people to become vegetarians and non-alcoholics and to choose the right path of living. 80. Glossary of Jainism: 2. Dr. Shilpa Pradip Mehta 3. Atma Siddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhna Kendra, Umarala; 4. 1st Ed.; 5. ©Publisher; 6. SC, 4.5"x6.5"; 8. This is the collection of philosophical worlds with their meanings used in Fulchand Shastri's publications. 81. 2017 Diary: 2. Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2017; 5. © Publisher; 6. HB, 5°x7.75"; 7. Rs. 150; 8. Yearly Diary include quotes of Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandra on each day pages. 82. Sadguru Encourages: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2016; 5. © Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 126 pgs.; 7. Rs.200; 8. Experimentation is the keystone of all scientific study. When someone conducts a scientific experiment, the conclusions become universal laws. In the science of spirituality, however, every individual need to undergo the experiment for himself because the knowledge of the Self cannot be borrowed. To bring about an inner revolution, the Sadguru lovingly encourages the disciple to experiment with the teachings and experience the results for himself. This encouragement leads to constant experimentation and the experience of an unprecedented shift in beliefs and behaviour, leading to enlightenment. Commemorating the occasion of Pujya Gurudevshri's Golden Jubilee Year, 150th Birth Anniversary the book aptly named 'Sadguru Encourages' has been launched, which is an offering of 50 special experiments for inner blossoming that will help you face the varied challenges that arise on the path of liberation. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Whether you are happy or whether you are blue, the short and simple experiments will inspire you to anchor the positive and minimise the effect of the negative. Whether you are overcome by anger or fall prey to your moods, the experiments will help you create an oasis of calm during chaos. With introspection and guided practise, you will learn to manufacture happiness and create your own portable paradise. Put these experiments into action and experience transformation. In science when someone conducts an experiment, the conclusions drawn from it become universal laws. In the Science of Spirituality, every individual need to undergo the experiment for himself because the knowledge of the Self cannot be borrowed. Experiments are the practical application of the Sadguru's teachings and essential means for advancing on the spiritual path. These short and simple experiments will inspire you to anchor the positive and minimise the effect of the negative on you. With introspection and guided practise, you will learn to manufacture happiness and create your own portable paradise. 83. Sadguru Communion: 50 Prayers to the Master. 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. SRMD (SRA, Dharampur); 4. 1st Ed. 19th July 2016; 5. © Publisher; 6. HB, 3.75"x5.75",116 pgs.; 7. Rs.75; 8. This is a collection of 50 soulful prayers that will enable you to express your deepest spiritual needs and communicate your intimate feelings to God. 84. What would Bapaji Say? Magical Mantras from Master: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 19th July 2016; 5. © Publisher; 6. HB, 5"x7.75", 76 pgs.; 7. Rs. 150; 8. Pujya Gurudevshri, fondly called Pujya Bapaji, leads us marvelously in the discovery of our inner treasures. What Would Bapaji Say?' is a book full of win-win solutions for tricky situations. This fun book for children features how Achint and Anaisha tackle various challenges and get the correct and loving way to solve their dilemmas from their role model – their dear Bapaji. The book features 15 inspiring stories that help children find a wonderful way to make the best of every situation. This is the perfect book for inculcating positive values in children. 85. The Regime of Love - Agna Bhakti; 2. Translated & Transliteration - Shree Raj Saubhag Satsang Mandal, Sayla; 3. Sayla; 4. 1st Ed. ,2015; 5. © Publisher SRSSM, Sayla; 6. PB, 5"x7.75", 80 pgs.; 8. Collection of daily recitation of the poems and prose; celebrate the presence of a Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ True Living Guru in our lives; a daily regimen of spiritual activities - contemplation, exploration and immersion in love; and instructs us to follow. 86. My Offerings to Param Krupaludev: This colourful, planning book is packed with simple, fun exercises, which allow children to participate in the tapa aradhana. 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed., Dec. 2016; 5. © Publisher; 6. HB, 3.75"x5.75”,64 pgs.; 7. Rs.50; 8. To commemorate Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandraji's 150th birth anniversary year, Shrimad Rajchandra Divinetouch brings to you this book. This colourful, planning book is packed with simple, fun exercises, which allow children to participate in the tapa aaradhana. Bright and colourful illustrations, interesting worksheets will enable and encourage children to win over their lower desires and strive towards a higher purpose. Grab a copy and allow your children to welcome Param Krupaludev into their heart! 87. Sadguru Alerts; 50 Insightful Questions from the Master. 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed., Sep. 26, 16; 5. © Publisher; 6. HB, 3.75"x5.75",64 pgs.; 7. Rs. 150; 8. The book launched in commemoration of Pujya Gurudevshri's 50th Birthday, is a priceless gift encompassing 50 questions to aid aspirants on the quest of self-discovery. This book is instigating a process of self-inquiry, it is a collection of insightful questions from the Master. Although written in a simple and lucid language, it is embedded with pearls of wisdom and delightful illustrations. Aimed at transformation through introspection, it provokes the psyche to probe deep within the self. The Grace of the Enlightened Ones time and again encourages seekers to dispel the shadow of ignorance and seek the light of self-awareness. Make this book a tool to embark on the journey to your Self. Jain Darshan: Monthly Magazine. (March 2017 issue is Vol. 27, No. 3); 2. Editor: Manu Doshi, 3. Indira Mansukhlal Doshi Memorial Trust, 931 Goldenrod Lane, Lake Forest, IL, 60045, USA; 4. March 2017; 5. © Authors; 6. 8 pgs., PB 8.5x 11; 7. Free, 8. Usually includes Thought for the Month; Translations in English from original Gujarati of Shrimadji's writings and other Shastra; articles – may be reprint; and Children's Corner (in English) is included. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 89. Nourish Your Heart: 2. Inspired by Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai, a team contributes; 3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2014; 5. © Publisher ISBN: 978-93-84405-03-8; 6. HB, 8"x11.5”, 120 pgs.; 7. Rs.300; 8. This book of 25 uplifting stories for strength and inspiration. It is for busy children and pre-teenagers, filled with fun, wonder and lessons for life. 90. Divinetouch Champs: Magazine for Children: 2. Inspired by Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai and edited by a team; 3. Dharampur; 4. Feb. '17 is Vol. 3 # 2; 5. © Publisher; 6. PB, small, 32 pgs.; 7. Yearly subscription Rs. 300; 8. Bring home a friend that makes you think, laugh and grow. Divinetouch is a monthly magazine especially designed for children between 5 to 12 years of age for knowledge, inspiration and entertainment that will give children their monthly dose of holistic nourishment. 91. Divinetouch Teens: Magazine for Teenagers: 2. Inspired by Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai and edited by a team; 3. Dharampur; 4. Feb. '17 is Vol. 3 # 2; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, small, 32 pg.; 7. Yearly subscription Rs. 300; 8. A guide the lives of teenager, this a monthly magazine tailor-made for 13 to 18 years old packed with wisdom, helpful tips and humour to sail through wonder years. UNPUBLISHED LITERATURE IN ENGLISH During my compilation work, I came to know that the following manuscripts remain to be published. 1. Philosophy of Shrimad Rajchandra: The PhD thesis by Shantilal M. Patel that was submitted to the M. S. University of Baroda in 1965. 2. Glimpses on Life of Shrimad Rajchandra in Pictures by Manu Doshi, Chicago, USA. This is 90 pages of notes about 165 pictures, earlier displayed for an exhibition. 3. Articles in English by few writers in different magazines, books and publications. Occasionally read but records are unavailable. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ LITERATURE IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE ONLINE The following texts are available in English on these websites: Shrimad Rajchandra and Mahatma Gandhi, Shrimad's Letters, Prayers, Glossary of Terms, Sources, Letters of Six Fundamental Truths, Aatmasiddhi Shastra, Introduction to Mokshmala and Bhavna Bodh, Mokshmala English Translation. List of Websites relating to Param Krupaludev Shrimad Rajchandraji. Shrimad Rajchandra Agas Ashram website. Malaiya Website Panjo Kutch Dharampur Website Sayla Website Parli Khapoli Website Koba Website Khapoli / Parli Website Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, Umrala PUBLISHERS OF BOOKS 1. Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Agas, [Book #s 3, 5, 8, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43]; Station: Agas (via Anand) Post: Boria, Gujarat, 388 130. Tel. 02692 281 778 / 281 800; fax: 02692 281 378 2. Shrimad Rajchandra Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, [Book # 13] Koba, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382 007. Tel. +91(79)23276219/23276483 / 23276484 Fax: +91(79)23276142 3. Shri Raj Sobhag Satsang Mandal, [Book # 4, 26, 44, 85) Sobhagpara, Sayla, Gujarat, 363 430. Vinay Sabhaya, Mobile: +91 (0) 96627 68202 Tel: +91 (0) 2755 280533 / 280791; Several books are available for download. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur, (i) Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Divine Shop; [Book #s 27, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91;] Mohangadh, Dharampur, Dist. Valsad, Gujarat, 396 050. (ii) Shrimad Rajchandra Adhyatmik Satsang Sadhna Kendra; Bhupati Chambers 3rd Fl., 13 Mathew Rd. Opera House, Mumbai, 400 004, Maharashtra. 5. (i) Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust, [Book # 6, 9] 9 BVK Iyengar Road, Bangalore (Bengaluru), 560 053. (ii) Shrimad Rajchandra Gnan Mandir, Kusugal Rd., Near State Bank Zonal Off, Hubli, Karnataka, 580 020. 6. Shrimad Rajchandra Knowledge Foundation, [Book #s 32, 33] (i) Mahatma Gandhi Rd., Bardoli, Via Anand, Gujarat, 394 601 (ii) Post Asta, Tal. Dharmaj, Dist. Surat, Gujarat, 394 320 (iii) 826 W Capital Ave. West; Sacramento, CA, 90691, USA 7. Shrimad Rajchandra Gyan Pracharak Trust, [Book #s 18, 25] Raj Bhavan, Outside Delhi Gate, Near Hathibhai-ni-Wadi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380 004 8. Shrimad Rajchandra Swadhyay Mandir, [Book #s 22, 23] Lam Road, Deolali, Devlali, Dist. Nasik, 422 401, Maharashtra. 9. Atmasiddhi Shastra Mission, Adhyatmik Sadhana Kendra, [Book #s 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80] Hq. Pujyashri Kanjiswami Hall, Chogadh Rd., Umarala, Dist. Bhavnagar, 364 330, Gujarat. 10. Shrimad Rajchandra Mission - The Kendra, [Book # 62] 76 Tarun Enclave, Pritam Pura, Delhi 110 034; For Courier: 518-9 Ring Rd Mall Mangalam Place, Rohini Sec-3, Delhi 110 085. 11. Shrimad Rajchandra Atma Tatva Research Centre, [Book #s 45, 51]; Rajnagar, Parli, Gothavade, Sudhagadh, Off Khapoli -Pali Road, Dist. Raigadh, Maharashtra, 410025., 12. Publishers of these books are not listed above. Names of publishers are included under respective entries. Book #s 1, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 37, 54, 68, 88. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INDEX OF AUTHORS: LAST NAME ALPHABETICALLY, BOOK NUMBERS (#) Bi-Centennial Volume: #36; Brahmachäriji, Govardhandasji: #9, 11, 13, 18, 38, 41, 42; Chandrika: #37; Chudgar, Ramanik: #26; Desai, Chaitanya: #32; Desai, Dr. Kumarpal: #4, 44; Doshi, Manu: #2, 13, 28, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 53, 67, 88; Flügel, Peter: # 10, 68; Gandhi, Mahatma (M.K.): # 4, 17, 18, 25, 30, 31, 44; Ghorpade Prof. M. B.: # 20; Govardhandasji, Brahmachäriji: #9, 11, 13, 18, 38, 41, 42; Humar, Prof. Jag # 10; Jain, Dr. Jagdish Chandra: # 20, 29; Jaini, Rai Bahadur J. L.: # 25;37 Jhaveri, Pujyashri Rakeshbhai: #27, 46, 47, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87; Kalarthi, Mukul: #35; Kamdar, Gautam: #62; Kapashi, Vinod: # 10; Kansara, Narendra Artist: # 4; Kumar, Bhuvanendra: # 10; Kumar, Vimal: #6; Laghuräjswämi, Prabhushriji: #41; Magazines, Newspapers: # 10, 34, 49, 51, 62, 88; Mahasatiji Dr. Tarulatabai: # 12; Mani Bhuvan, Mumbai: # 17; Mehta, Dahyabhai C.: # 24; Mehta, Digish: #5, 35; Mehta, Dr. Bhagwandas M.: # 15; Mehta, Dr. Saryu R.: # 19; Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mehta, Madhvi Ashwin: #3; Mehta, Pravin (Pappaji): # 45; Mehta, Shilpa Dr. #75; 76; 80; Narayandas, Jaisinh: #22, 23; Narayandas, Saroj Jaisinh: #23; Newspaper Articles: #8, 9, 11, 16, 30, 34; Patel, Dinu Mulji: #9, 11, 16: Patel, Dr. Shanti: #42; Patel, Pravin Chhaganlal: #7; Prabhushriji, Laghuräjswämi: #41; Rupani – Sheth, Shreya: #27 Pungaliya, Dr. U. K.: # 10, 14; Salter, Emma: # 10, 68; Shah, Bharatbhai Dr. # 27, 47, 59; Shah D. M.: # 10; Shah, Shirish l: #21; Shah, Snehal: #27, 46; Shastri, Fulchand: #73; 74; 75, 77; 78; 79; Sheth, Bhogilal G.: # 19; Sheth - Rupani Shreya: #27; Shri Raj Saubhag Sayla: #85; Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur: #27, 48, 49,,81; 89, 90, 91; Tolia, Prof. Pratapkumar: #39; Tolia, Sumitra Pratap: #39; Vadva Ashram: #30; Wall Calendar: #33. 46 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Index of Books: BOOKS ALPHABETICALLY LISTED WITH BOOK NUMBERS (#) [Figures in the brackets are book numbers of same subject.] 2017 Diary: #81 A Divine Union: #70 A Life Worth Living: # 47 A Pictorial Biography of Shrimad Rajchandra: #3, [4] A Pinnacle of Spirituality: The Inspirational Life of Shrimad Rajchandra: #4 [3] A Thirst for the Eternal: # 27-17 Ajnabhakti: #67, [7,85] An Aspirant's Dharma – Total Acceptance: # 27-11 Analysis of Apurva Avsar (Spiritual Progression to Salvation) of Shrimad Rajchandra - A Translation: # 1, [40, 54] Ananya Parivartan: Magazine # 51, [10, 49, 57, 62, 89, 90] Anthology of Shrimad Rajchandra: # 15 Apoorva Avsar, The Unprecedented Occasion: #40, [1, 54] Apurva Avsar (Spiritual Progression to Salvation) of Shrimad Rajchandra - A Translation - Analysis: #1, [40, 54] Apurva Avsar: #54, [1, 40] Articles in Newspapers & Magazines: #34 Atmasiddhi (Self-Realization) By Shrimad Rajchandra: # 24, [11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27-1, 37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Atmasiddhi Adhyatma Gitaa and Aatmopanishad: # 13, [11, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27-1, 37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Atmasiddhi Shastra: Holy Scripture in Search of the Soul: #73, [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27-1, 37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Awaken from your Slumber: # 27-15 Awareness for Enlightenment: # 27-10 Bhavana Bodh (Liberating Aspirations): # 8 Biography & Inspiring Episodes: #35 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Blessed Ones' Philosophy of the Universe, The: #21 Bliss of Wisdom: Magazine: #62, [10, 49,53, 63, 90, 91] Bliss Within: #57 Chemistry of bondage: # 27-2 Dhyanmulam Gurumurti: #65 Dispassion and Meditation: # 27-13 Dissolving in Devotion: # 27-16 Divine Discontentment: # 27-5 Divinetouch Champs: #90 Divinetouch Teens: # 91 Don't Kill Me! # 79 Embark on the Inner Journey: # 27-12, 46 End of an Auspicious Karma: #77 Expressions: #66 Freedom from Delusion: # 27-14 Glimpses on Life of Shrimad Rajchandra in Pictures: #3 Glossary of Jainism: #80 Guru: Manifestation of The Supreme: #27-22 Human Birth - An Invaluable Opportunity: # 27-4 I am The Soul! Vol. 1 & 2: English Translation of Atmasiddhi: # 12, [11, 13, 24, 25, 26, 37, 39, 73, 74] Impressions: #56; Invaluable is the Life of Self-Realization: # 27-9 Jain Darshan, Magazine: #88 [10, 49, 51, 57, 62,] Jeevankala, The Life and Mission of Shrimad Rajchandra: #38, [4, 9] Jeevankala: #9, [4,38] Jinamanjari: Magazine: #10 [49, 51, 57, 62] Jinpuja: # 48 Jivankala, The Life and Mission of Shrimad Rajchandra: #38, [4, 9] Know the Knower of Knowledge: You are Divine Soul: #32 Knowing your Self: #27-18 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Letter of Six Fundamentals: English translation of “Chha Padno Patra” with explanation: #2, Magazines: 10, 49, 51, 62, 63, 88, 90, 91 Mahatma Gandhi and Kavi Rajchandraji – Questions - Answered: # 18, [17] Mantramulam Guruvakyam: #52 Mokshmala - Translation with Notes and Introduction: #20, [16, 43] Mokshmala: # 43, [16, 20] Mokshmulam Gurukrupa: His Grace I will Seek: #59 Mrutyorma Amrutam Gamaya: #69 Multiple Viewpoints on Terrorism: #76 My Experiments with Truth - An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi: #31 My Offerings to Param Krupaludev: # 86 Nityakram: #7, [67, 85] Nourish Your Heart: # 89 Only He may Sleep Peacefully: #27-24 Path of Devotion: # 27-21 Philosophy and Spirituality of Srimad Rajchandra: # 14 Pujamulam Gurupadam: #60 Raj Ratnamala: Shrimad Rajchandra's Anthology: # 15 Rajgeeta: English Translation & Commentary on Atmasiddhi Shastra: #53, [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27-1, 37, 39, 73, 74] Reflections: #58 Regime of Love: Agna Bhakti: #85, [7, 67], Religion - Simple & Blissful: # 27-6 Rethinking Religious Authority: A Perspective on the Followers of Śrīmad Rajchandra: #68 Sadguru - A Parasmani: # 27-3 Sadguru Alerts - 50 Insightful Questions from the Master #87 Sadguru Communion: #83 Sadguru Echoes: Magazine: #49]10, 51, 57, 88, 90, 91] Sadguru Encourages: # 82 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra 49 Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sadguru Insights: # 71 Sadguru Nuggets: #72 Samayik - The Art of Turning Within: # 27-19 Samayika, Journey Towards Peace & Tranquility: #28 Sapta-Bhashi Atmasiddhi (Atmasiddhi in Seven Languages): 39, [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27-1, 37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Satsangs Booklets: #63 Seek Thy Eternal Self: #50 Self Realisation - A Deep Study # 74 [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27-1, 37, 39, 53, 73] Self Realization (Atmasiddhi): # 11 [12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27-1,37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Self-realization: An End to all suffering: #27-1 [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Shreemad Rajachandrajee, The Indian Saint & Seer: #30 Shreemad Rajchandra and Mahatma Gandhiji: #44 Shreemad Rajchandra, Brief Life Sketch: #6 Shrimad Rajchandra – A Great Seer: # 19 Shrimad Rajchandra - Saga of Spirituality: #64; Shrimad Rajchandra Bi-centennial Anniversary Volume Ardha Shatabdi Granth: #36, Shrimad Rajchandra, Pioneer of Spiritual Era: #29 Shrimad Rajchandra: A Life: #5 Shrimad Rajchandra: A Pictorial Biography: #3, [4,9,38] Shrimad Rajchandra's Aatmasiddhi Shastra: # 26, [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 27-1, 37, 39, 53, 73, 74] Shrimad Rajchandra's Atmasiddhi, In Search of the Soul: #37, [11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27-1, 39, 73, 74] Shrimad Rajchandra's Anthology: # 15 Shrimad Rajchandra's Mokshmala: # 16, [20, 43] Shrimad Rajchandra's Reply to Gandhiji's Questions: # 17, [18] 50 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Spiritual Progression to Salvation: Analysis of Apurva Avsar of Shrimad Rajchandra - A Translation: #1, [40, 54] Srimad Rajchandraji's Atma-siddhi, In Search of the Soul: # 37; Stars of the Universe - Parts 1 & 2: #22 The Blessed Ones' Philosophy of the Universe: #21 The Enlightened One: A Traditional Reformist: #27-20 The Life of Brahmachäriji: #42 The Life of H. H. Laghuräjswämi (Prabhushriji): # 41; The Path Enlightened: #55 The Regime of Love, The: Agna Bhakti: #85, [7, 67], The Self-Realization: Being the Translation of Atmasiddhi of Shrimad Rajchandra: #25, [11, 12, 13, 24, 26, 27-1,37, 39, 53, 73, 74] The Stages of the Inward Journey: # 27-23 The Tricks the Mind Plays: # 27-7 The Unprecedented Occasion - Apoorva Avsar: #40 The Witnessing Consciousness: # 27-8 Time to Awaken: #61 Turn to Totality: Insight in the Expressions of Shrimad Rajchandra: # 23 Unprecedented Thoughts In search of the Self: # 45 Wall Calendar: #33 What Would Bapaji Say? #84 Who is Lord Mahavir's Successor: # 78 Wisdom of the Transient & Realisation of Eternal: #75 Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Blank Page for Notes & Additions of New Entries. Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra