44. Shreemad Rajchandra and Mahatma Gandhiji ; 2 Dr. Kumarpal
Desai; 3. Sayla; 4. 1st Ed. 2009; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small; 8. Complete exchange of letters between the two great personalities along with brief life of both and other related details.
45. Unprecedented Thoughts In search of the Self: 2. PP Pappaji Shree
Pravin Mehta; 3. Parli; 4. 1st Ed. 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small; 7. Rs.90; 8. Discourses translated from Hindi of Apoorva Vichaar.
46. Embark on the Inner Journey: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai;
3. Dharampur; 4. 1st Ed. 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small 154 pg.; 7. Rs. 100; 8. Four Discourses on topics of Vachnamrutji's letters [843, 654, 76, and U-Chhaya 6] translated from Guajarati by Atmarpit Snehal Shah. This book is published in five Indian (Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali and Tamil) and five foreign (English, Spanish, French, German and Mandarin) languages and in Braille for the Blind.
47. A Life Worth Living: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur;
4. 1st Ed. 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. HC, Small 184 pg.; 7. Rs.100; 8. Four Discourses on topics of Vachnamrutji's letters Human Birth - An invaluable Opportunity (Patrank 102), Satsang - A Way of Life (P. 214), Yearning for the Divine (U-Chhaya 3) and The Essence of the Scriptures (V-Saar 2/4(18). Brief intro of Shrimadji, PP Gurudev and the Mission is included. Book is translated into English from Guajarati by Dr. Bharatbhai Shah. This book is also published in Hindi language.
48. Jinpuja; 2 & 3. Dharampur: 4. 1st Ed. 2009; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small
102 pg.; 7. Rs.75; 8. A simple comprehensive explanation of the rituals of Jinpuja.
Sadguru Echoes, Monthly magazine with articles in three - English, Gujarati and Hindi languages: 2. Editor Apurva Kothari; 3. SRMD (SRA, Dharampur); 4. Vol.1 # 1 April 2011; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, app. 72 pg.; 7. Rs. 100 yearly subscription; 8. Articles and vide variety of subjects are covered including Mission's activities with photographs.
50. Seek Thy Eternal Self: 2. Pujya Gurdevshri Rakeshbhai; 3. Dharampur;
4. 1st Ed. 2012; 5. ©Publisher; 6. PB, Small 180 pg.; 7. Rs.100; 8. Four enlightening discourses bring solace and direction to the seeker's parched heart and troubled mind. Vachnamrutji's letters 637,
Bibliography of Literature in English About Shrimad Rajchandra