passed through various stages of spiritual progress (Sadhana). IMPLEMENTING THE MEANS OF EQUANIMITY
Genuine equanimity cannot dawn in the life of an aspirant until the knowledge of the self (Atma-jnana) is attained. The very basis of true equanimity is pure thoughts and feelings, which in turn, are dependent on self-knowledge. Now, if knowledge of the self is to be acquired, a clear distinction between the self and non-self with its practice in day-to-day life is imperative. The three best means to accomplish this task are:
1. Company of noble persons and saints. 2. Cultivation of specific virtues.
3. Self-contemplation (meditation).
Each of these means should be grasped thoroughly. As the synergistic combination of the above three is practiced, discriminative power evolves, resulting in self-contemplation and self-realization. With that, the Sadhana of equanimity develops more and more. It is thus necessary that every aspirant cultivates universal friendship with all living beings, becomes indifferent to sensual objects of the world, gives up evil thought processes, and attains equanimity by vision and contemplation of the absolute Reality.
When a saintly aspirant attains this state and progresses further, he experiences a unique inner peace and oneness with the soul. This is the best and the most praiseworthy attainment of a spiritual life known as equanimity.
Knowledge and detachment are the horses of the chariot of this great hero. Humility is the charioteer, discrimination is his body-guard, forgiveness is his armor, patience is the shield, austerity and self-control are the bow and arrow, and pure intellect is his sword.
When the well-organized army of this well-equipped soldier attacks the fort of the enemies, their armies break down and run away in the very first attack. As all the enemies, such as passion, arrogance, anger, greed, lust and jealousy, start running helter-skelter, their commander-in-chief, that is, infatuation gets absolutely confused. In no time, he is compelled to surrender to this great soldier, the victorious aspirant (Sadhaka), and accepting the disgraceful defeat flees away for ever from the battle-field.
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