1. How strange is the law of Karma ! The fact that even a noble Soul like the king Yudhishthira (of Mahabharat in the scripture a) had to give up his royal powers and live in the forest for twelve long years, and for one more year in a disguised form !! 2. By which law was it destined that a great emperor like Nepolean, who conquered half the world in his youth had to die of cancer on an island where nobody was there to help him. 3. Think about the sovereign king Mohammad Gazani whose one word could save or end many lives, spent his last days as an insane house prisoner. 4. Isn't it strange that great saints like Gnaneshwar, Shankaracharya and Vivekanand who were celibate all their life (Balabrahmachari) and yet died young (in prime of their lives)? 5. All around us, we can see so many strange and surprising events happening, such as some fools ruling governments and the learned having no power. A bird in India name Cuckoo has very sweet voice being black and the deceptive fish-eating crane has fine white wings. An illiterate has all the luxury and a scholar works for small salary. These are but a few of such contradictions.
A noble teacher and his pupil were travelling on a road, adjoining a village. On one side they saw a strange sight. A serpent being attacked by thousands of ants.
The pupil saw the very sad plight of the serpent and said, "Poor fellow ! How unhappy he is !"
Teacher, "Dear boy ! What could be done ? Everyone must experience the fruits of one's actions."
Pupil, "Sir ! What could be the possible sin of this serpent that it is in this very sad plight ?"
Teacher, "If you remember, sometime ago we passed by a lake and you tried to stop a fisherman from fishing."
Pupil, "Yes Sir ! The fisherman made fun of my advice."
Teacher, "That fisherman has become this serpent in this life and the fishes have acquired re-birth as ants. They are now united tormenting the serpent."
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