Book Title: Application of Anekantavada
Author(s): Ramesh S Betai
Publisher: Z_Yatindrasuri_Diksha_Shatabdi_Smarak_Granth_012036.pdf

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________________ (3) YATEENDRASURI SMARAK GRANTH satisfaction of all. Here, Anekantavada and of knowledge, thingking and conduct."29 Saptabhangi come to the resume. The family may Another example will be this. A Jain Sadhu sit together and discuss the problems whether or considers as to what his relation with the society in not the parents should give their consent to the the mundane world should be. He has renounced younger son. The doctrine of non-absolutism when the woidly life and stays in an upashrays. He has grasped will guide them. The following fundamen taken to the life of renunciation, a life of austerities tals will be accepted be all. and suffering so that his consciousness scales (1) The keen desire of the young man is worth higher and higher hights to come to a stage of sal serious consideration, definitely not worth out- vation. As Dr. Radhakrishan state - right rejection. "A Jiva is a particular kind of existent thing. (2) Different family member and friends can have The liverated Jiva, freed from matter is Atman. The different views on the matter due to their vary. Atman is pure consciousness untainted by matter. ing considrations, angles of vision and under- It excludes all space and externality. It is the Jiva standing. purified, raised to the highest spiritual status which There can be several options (a) consent be is mere forless consciousness."30 granted (b) consent be not granted; Now what should be his attitude to the world? (c)consent be postponed and the young man There are several options : be advised to reconsider the matter (d) The 1: He may remain awayfrom worldly men and young man may be advised to think longer women, keep them at an arms' length. over the matter and see if he can find some 2. Be may tender advice as his consciousness other alternative for himself, (e) all family tells, when advice is sought. members may ponder over the matter and consider whether they can give up or modify He may deliver regular sermons to larger or their stand; (f) someone may feel that the prob smaller assemblies. lem of consent defies all consideration and so- 4. He may go for begging but with his mind unlutions; (g) All might try to come to a positive concerned about what he receives or about dicision of yes or no very difficult though it is. the family of donor. Good intentions, avoidance of conflict, modi- 5. He may indirectly suggest his tastes to them. fication of their stands and consideration, a spirit 6. He may go and attend marriage ceremoniee of mutual trust and respect for each other and spirit to bless the newly married. of adjustment etc.; are in fact in the young minds of 7. He may visit libraries for further studies and the members of the family and the man. Faith in acquisition of knowledge. goodness and confidence in each other, due re 8. He may take interest in worldly affairs at times. spect for each others views etc. are the points that are taught by this theory of non-absolutism and the He will remain unconcerned about what hapseven possible alternatives. pens around him and consciously raise his Atma to a higher status. Here, we are convinced that the application of the doctrine will go a long way in solving the He may become a staunch propagator of the Jaina faith. problem. This fructifies the explanation of Anekantavada given by Sukhlalji : This will naturally be in addition to his regular "Non-absolutism is a method of thinking and and staunch duties as a sadhu, or as a Sadhaks. a analysis. It is a mental eye that is open from all All these options stand before him, now and directions and all sides. It refuses outright to view. then. Every time he will go deep into their pros and from a broken or an incomplete angle, any subject cons and the consequent effect upon his person 10 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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