Book Title: Application of Anekantavada
Author(s): Ramesh S Betai
Publisher: Z_Yatindrasuri_Diksha_Shatabdi_Smarak_Granth_012036.pdf

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________________ -YATEENDRASURI SMARAK GRANTH - Anekantavada guides him. A humanistic and lib- that was in deep sleep, and brings to real and new eral outlook is to be cultivated and he will be helped life my speech by its own lustre-it holds the masin becoming objective in his effort at the right un- tery of the entire power to do so. It also brings to life derstanding and grasp of jainism that is then fol- and new awakening the organs (prana) of hand, lowed by his comparative study. The Jaina theory feet, hearing, touch etc." of knowledge will help him in becoming free from The effort to awaken faith in Dharma is here prejudices, from the overpowering sense of supe honest, sincere, hard and persistent. But he does riority and evalution on lower levels. May be all his not pretend, he does not enter self-deception. Faith efforts might fail in grasping certain things here. in Dharma does not awaken though he does not But Saptabhangi has to taught him & experience. give up vows, fasts etc. that are preseribed, does May be it is Avatkavya or indefinable or in not give up study and hearing of sermons. But he expressible." feels all-the-while that he resorts to these things A persistent effort at becoming ofbjective will mechanically; the necessary inner faith does not be creating an awakening in his inner conscious awaken. Dharma does not become a part and parness and this is due to his effort to apply cel of his life, his personality. He is keen on feelAnekantavada that we have alaborated earlier, ing, experiencing that Dharma is an inner urge that considerably. This persistent effort will surely not must be satisfied. He wants to feel in all sincerity go in vain and he will come to a stage when his on that concepts that were perhaps reconceived motions "I am not what I am, nothing if I am not relior prejudices have been almost revolutionised. This gious." is a hard and tough effort - this is the practical and Here again, application of Anekantavada can theoretical application of the doctrine. But the ef come to his rescue if he grasps it, adopts it in its fort was really worth and it has brought his person right meaning, correct perspective and sincere feelality higher; now he has got the due training of mind ing and experience, as we have laid down above. and heart. Thus, for an objective and comparative Let him ponder over the doctrine, argue with him. study, the doctrine itself has become the torch self with the help of the Saptabhangi and go ahead. bearer. It has refined his angle of vision of his own The doors of his heart will open. He will begin Dharma and his brought him on better grounds to slowly and steadily to feel that - undertake the task. (i) He feels the inner urge to have all sympathy, We now take the last example of the appli compassion, warm regards for all the conceivcation of Anekantavada able Jivas, whatever their status and limitaAnekantavada - We tak the example of a man tions. who is sincere in his feeling that faith in Dharma His heart will begin to feel that non-hurt to all does not ganuinely awaken in his consciousness living beings, self-sacrifice for them and for even though his own self are what he learns. (1) He practises Dharma consciously as (iii) Then it is that he hates none, retaliates preached to him by heritage, the psychic effects against no-body, even when attackeds. that his Jiva has brought from the previous lives, This takes his own Atma to scale higher the study of the scriptures and hearing of the sermons. He takes the vows and observes fasts he. heights and achievements. He very regularly says his prayers and tries to Knowledge gained thereby has made him a awaken his consciousness, he prays better and a higher human being, ever on the "My salutations to you, O'divina Purusha. path of progress, sublimation to the highest conceivable aspiration as a man. purusha that enters internally deep in my speech, inreimenovanenmerensromeramerimaranorennen 10 panoramaNeramerimerameramenormowanoramramor (iv) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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