Book Title: Apoorva Avasar Author(s): Manu Doshi Publisher: Manu Doshi View full book textPage 1
________________ APPORVA AVASAR PREFACE Apoorva Avasar is an immortal song relating to spiritual elevation. The exact date of its composition is not available. The first two editions of 'Shrimad Rajchandra' published by Param Shrut Prabhävak Mandal did not say anything about the time of its composition. The edition published in 1946 by Shrimad's sister's son Hemchand Mehta mentioned that the poem was composed by Shrimad in the second month of Vikram Samvat 1952 (by the end of 1895) at Vaväniä while sitting on the sick bed of his mother. He seems to have mentioned that year through oversight, because the particulars of Shrimad's whereabouts indicate that he was not in Vaväniä during that year. He had actually been there the subsequent year in order to take care of his sick mother. As such, the poem could have been composed by the end of 1896 or beginning of 1897, i.e. a couple of months after composing Ätmasiddhishästra. The poem deals with the levels of spiritual elevation and the contemplation pertinent to those levels. If a spiritual aspirant resorts to the pursuit in accordance with that contemplation, he can make unmistakable progress on the path of spiritual elevation. This poem can thus function as a guide in the spiritual journey. The poem presents the degree of detachment required in spiritual pursuit. Mahätmä Gandhi was much impressed by it and used to recite the same devotionally. . He even included 15 stanzas of the poem in Ashram Bhajanävali. While writing in his autobiography about Shrimad he has mentioned that the latter was imbibed with the level of detachment depicted in this poem In view of the vital importance of the poem I had prepared its translation about 15 years back. It was, however, noticed that the contents of the poem needed detailed explanation, and preparing the same was delayed on different grounds. Eventually, last year I had to write about the poem in Jain Darshan in the form of articles. I have reedited those articles so as to prepare a compact treatise, and the same is presented herewith. I would consider my effort worthwhile, if this is found useful to the English speaking people July 16 2006 Manu Doshi APOORVA AVASAR, THE UNPRECEDENTED OCCASION INTRODUCTORY Apoorva Avasar is the poem dealing with the contemplation of a spiritual aspirant on the path of spiritual elevation. The stages on the path of spiritual pursuit are bound to differ from person to person. Generally, however, the elevation is treated as consisting of 14 stages, which can be termed as 14 rungs on the ladder of elevation. It would therefore be helpful to start this discussion with a brief description of those stages. FIRST STAGE: This stage is known as Mithyätva or the stage of wrong faith. As the name suggests, it does not signify even the beginning of spiritual elevation. It is similar to a bottom floor, where a person might be looking for an elevator. Most of the people are at that stage. The life at the stage is rather instinctive, and the reactions to the situations arising from time to time occur more or less impulsively. There is hardly any sense of discrimination at that stage. One attaches utmost importance to his body and its comforts. The spiritual aspirant at the later part of this stage is, however, expected to have gained the yearning for religious life. For that purpose he seeks access to a spiritual guide. But he does not have the insight to recognize the true guide. As such, he may come under the influence of the wrong guides or teachers and would undertake the unbecoming rituals etc. at their behest. He would not mind even resorting to evil activities for the sake of his professed religion. He might also harbor dislike and disregard for the true faith.Page Navigation
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