The second part of this work, which will be shortly published, will contain the Balabodhini, a commentary on the text prepared by me. It will also contain a critical introduction, with an exhaustive discussion of various important points regarding the S'uddhadvaita system of Vallabhācharya and other connected matters, so that I shall not refer to them in this preface. I shall also reserve till then my acknowledgment of thanks for the help I have received in the preparations of this work from many of my friends.
In conclusion, I beg that my learned readers will treat with indulgence any defects and mistakes that may have here crept in, in spite of the pains I have taken and the vigilance I have exercised in the performance of my task. I can only assure them that I shall take care to remove all such defects as may be pointed out to me in the next edition. In the meanwhile, I shall conclude with the prayer that this my humble service may prove acceptable to Bhagvan
Shrikrishna Chandra.
Poona, October 1921.
आ. | अशभाग्य 1
S. T. Pathak,