In preparing this edition, the following manuscripts and books have been consulted for the verification of the text of the Anubhāshya:
a. A manuscript in the Manuscript Library of the
Deccan College No. 302 of 1879-80: This Ms. is in a torn condition, one page of it is lost, and sentences
and words are often missing. 6. The Edition in the Chaukhamba series 1907. c. The Edition in the Bibliotheca Indica series together
with the various readings given therein, 1897. m. A manuscript in the library of the temple of Shri
Balkrishna in Poona. This was kindly given to me by
Mr. M. G. Shastri M. a of the Deccan College. d. A manuscript in the Deccan College Library No. 1
of 1869–70. Nine pages are wanting; written in
1855 of the Vikrama Era. e. A manuscript of only the first Adhyāya from the
same library No. 303 of 1879–80. f. A manuscript of only the second Avlhyāya from the
same library, No. 303 of 1879-80. s. Bhäshya-Pradīpa with the various readings, Edited
by Mr. M. G. Shastri M. A. ( a. 5.) The text of the Commentary called Vivarana.
(a.) The various readings suggested in the same.
In accepting the various readings special care was taken in selecting them. All the incorrect readings have been discarded and all the correct readings, though some of them are of the same import, are accepted.
My hearty thanks are due to those gentlemen who were kind enough to allow me the use of the various books and manuscripts.