Had he been alive, he would have been highly contented to see this work accomplished.
The Managing editor of the Agama Sri Sri Chand ji Rampuria has been devoted to the task of the Agama from the beginning. He has dedicated himself to the sternous work of making the Agama Literature popular and handy to the public after giving up his well established practice of an advocate. He has highly shown his faith and dedication in this publication of the Agama Suttani
Sri Khem Chand ji Sethi, President of the Jain Viswa Bharati and his co-workers and the staff of the Adarśa Sahitya Sangha have worked diligently in collecting the material utilized in the edition of the text.
Accounting the order of contribution to the same activity of the persons marching towards one and the same goal is nothing more than a formality. Actually, it is a solemn duty of us all and this is what we all have performed.
Anuvrata Vihar New Delhi
Jain Education International
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Muni Nathmal