Book Title: Aloyana
Author(s): Hiraji Swami, Gulabchandraji
Publisher: Pradyuman Vora

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Page 18
________________ O Souls! with right perception, right characters, and right knowledge, O souls! the follower of right path! O virtuous souls! O souls! who practice with firm faith! O souls! who have pure thinking, O souls! who have destroyed perversity, and who respect the path of the Tirthankar, if I have committed any offense against or shown irreverence to you, then with folded hands and my head bent, I apologize to you and request you to forgive me. O Jain brothers and sisters! You are chaste, fair, obliging, kind, religious, noble, fortunate, remover of others' misery, endowed with 21 virtues. If I have shown lack of politeness or devotion to you, then with folded hands, and humbleness, I again and again request you to forgive me. I wish, I could be as offering and compassionate as you are. O my kind, merciful and revered Gurudev! You are the savior of the drowning, you are like a big voyager ship who make people cross the stormy world, you are the renouncer of the affluence which you actually had, you are the lover of virtues, you are a great recluse, you have observed the five great vows, the five limits, and the three restrains, and you are the performer of all the twelve type of penances. O great Soul! Your virtues are immeasurable. How can I describe them with my slight intelligence? You have done infinite favor on me, and you have given vision to this blinded one. You led me along the path of true religion. By giving support to me, you saved me who was fallen. I am not able to completely repay your favors. O my revered teacher! A worthless creature that I am, I may not have offered you comfort or peace by giving 14 type of donations, or not taken care of you, or served you. I might not have been fully devoted to you, or attended on you. If I have been guilty of lack of politeness, respect, devotion, or if I have been guilty of any offense, then with folded hands, and humbleness, and bowing with my four limbs and head down, I salute you. Again and again I request you to forgive me. O 24 Lord Tirthankars! Lords of the heavenly angels! Your path and your order are the best. By showing the path of True Religion, you have done great favor to the poor creatures like me, and yet, because of my slight ability, little strength, and little understanding, I might not have pursued it properly. O merciful Lords! Forgive me of my offenses, have pity on me, and bestow good sense on me. REFUGE WITH AUSPICIOUS FOUR Now, I reflect on the four refuges: the Arihants, the Siddhas, the monks and the True Religion expounded by the Kevalis. These four refuges are the most auspicious, and the sources of welfare and happiness, as they make all the living beings of the universe free from the miseries of births, old age and deaths. Let these four refuges, therefore, continuously be there for the soul in this life, in the other life, and in lives after lives. PRAYER Arhanto BhagavantalndramahitahSiddhascha Siddhi Sthita Acharya JinaSasanonnatikarahPujyaUpadyayakah Shri Siddhanta SupathakaMunivaraRatnaTrayaradhakah PanchaiteParamesthinahPratidinamKurvantu Vo Mangalam The revered Arihants, adored by the Indras, the leaders of the heavenly angeles; the Siddhas who stand in their motionless postures, i.e. Siddhi; the Acharyas who elevate the Jain Order; the adorable Upadyayas; the excellent Monks, who study the worthy tenets of the Jain Dharma and pursue the three gems; these five Paramesthis bring welfare to us day after day. NAVKAR MANTRA NamoArihant@nam, Namo Siddh @nam,


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