AHIMSA TIMES - JULY 2008 ISSUE - www.jainsamaj.org
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Therefore, Self - Soul - being the pivot of our discussion and nirgranthathva related to Dhiksha - renunciation - is one of the characteristics of Saddhuthva. It is more a psychic expression - feeling - than physical one. It means that no 'grantha' - no psychical attachment to anything other than Self - Soul - and attachment is the cause for the unnatural manifestations viz., wrong belief, passions etc., leading to the cycle of birth and death.
Why nirgranthathva? The whole universe and its constituents are only objects of perception to Self - Soul i.e., all of them depict themselves in the knowledge screen of the Self - Soul due to their common quality - prameyathva gunn - exhibiting quality. Delusional Self - Soul - be it shravak or Saddhu.
The internal attachments due to the delusion born out of beginning less ignorance, cause the inflow of karmic dust and consequently the continuation of the cycle of birth and death and therefore nirgarnathathva - internal - becomes necessary to limit and end it. As a corollary the external nirgranthvathva follow suit.
With this brief details, if acceptable or otherwise, let the statements be analyzed: Extract from para one: All Jain Teerthankars became naked at a certain point, but no one of them did it knowingly. They did not copy it from previous tradition. They did not arrange any ceremony for removing the cloths. The fact is that they even did not try to remove their cloths, the cloths were removed automatically and they didn't care about it.
Analysis: Theerthankars are only twenty four in one half time cycle and their status is unique and not comparable with that of ordinary Saddhus and Theerthankars were Digambars - clad less - external nirgrathathva - right from the day one the embraced Dhiksha. On Theerthankar, we, in the fifth kaal, are not capable of understanding of their vaibhaava - grandiosity - leave alone speaking of them.
Extract from para two: In ancient times, naked Jain monks lived in caves and jungles. They had nothing to do with worldly things so they avoided visiting towns.
Analysis: Right you are in describing the characteristics of Digambar Jain Saddhus of the fourth kaal. But the Digambar Jain Saddhus whom you are now describing are belonging to fifth kaal and shied down to describe the characteristics of the shravks of fifth kaal, any problem. That apart, Digambar Saddhus are entirely in Bharat only. Passage of time will answer your question as the physical features and their strength will be gradually reducing and it is said that at the end of this time cycle humans will use ladder to pluck vegetables from small plant, to sight one example.
However, passionless Jina Dharma is very clear about the responsibilities of shravaks and shravikas. Paying obeisance to the monks who are in the form of Arihant Parameshtin i.e., naked and carry 'pinch and kamandal' is permissible but accepting them as Guru is matter of judicious judgment by them. If Saddhus are found not observing the tents of Passionless Jina Dharma, they are punished then itself by themselves for every single corrupt act born out of passions.
Nonetheless, they are not fully passionless as the last sanjavalan quadruplets are lasting till the 10th gunasthaan and more particularly the passion - greed. If they are fully passionless - vitaraagi - then, they would have secured Keval Gynaan.
The exalted level of their renunciation should restrain them from such base thinking and shravaks and shravikas are well advised to distance from them as per passionless Jina Dharma.
Dear Shri Mahavir Sanglikar, enough it is for you to describe the monks' acts, consequent of your passion to place such information on board the discussion tables. Learned you are, desisting from such attempts would not only save you from blasphemy in the present and avoidable inflow of de-meritorious karmic dust followed by its dire consequences.
Tolerance - kshama - not uthama kshama - is the indelible quality of Self - Soul - but it stand suppressed by such passionate feelings and if the later is suppressed by being tolerant and 'knower and seer', sure days are not far from securing Samyakthva. Choice is yours and yours alone. Forget and forgive for the brotherly suggestions, if they are unpalatable.