Book Title: $JES 401 Jain Philosophy and Practice 2 Level 4 Book Author(s): JAINA Education Committee Publisher: JAINA Education Committee View full book textPage 7
________________ Jaina Education books are divided into four age levels as follows: Book Level Age Name Number Level-1 Level-1 Level-1 5-9 5-9 Jain Activity Book Jainism I - Basics of Jainism Jain Alphabet 5-9 Level-1 Jain Moral Skits Level-2 JES-101 JES-102 JES-103 JES-104 JES-202 JES-203 JES-302 JES-401 JES-902 JES-911 JES-921 JES-931 Level-2 Level-3 5-9 10-12 10-12 13-15 16 up Jain Story Book First Step to Jainism Jain Philosophy and Practice Jain Philosophy and Practice II Jainism - Reverence for Life Essence of World Religions The Book of Compassion English Pratikraman All Reference Reference Reference Reference All T aforence All This book JES-401, Jain Philosophy and Practice Il is for level 4 students. This is a draft copy. The final revision of the book will be published by within a year or so. The committee members who prepared this material are Jain Päthashälä (Sunday school) teachers and not the Jain scholars. Hence, you may find some errors and also certain items may be applicable to one Jain sect and not applicable to other sects of Jainism. Please use the material objectively and provide positive suggestions so that we can easily incorporate them in the future revisions. Also note that some of these books and other materials are available on CD from the JAINA Education Committee and all books are available from JAINA website Many minds, and many blessings, directly and indirectly, have touched this noble project. We sincerely appreciate and thank every person who made this project successful. In compiling this book, we have utilized many sources and we are grateful to their authors and publishers for using their work liberally. We sincerely appreciate and thank every person and every organization that made this project successful. All material published by the JAINA Education Committee is not a copy righted material for personal and private use. Please use it respectfully and distribute it on a cost basis. As always, if you have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact us. In addition, if we have mentioned anything against the teachings of the Tirthankars, we ask for forgiveness. Michchhami Dukkadam. Thank You and Jai Jinendra! Pravin K. Shah, Chairperson JAINA Education Committee August 31, 2013 JAIN PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE - 2Page Navigation
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