तुभ्यं नमस्त्रिभुवनातिहराय नाथ, तुभ्यं नमः क्षीतितलामलभूषणाय | तुभ्यं नमस्त्रिजगतः परमेश्वराय, तुभ्यं नमो जिन भवोदधिशोषणाय ।।
tubhyam namastribhuvanärtiharaya natha tubhyam namah ksititalämalabhüsanaya tubhyam namastrijagatah parameshvaraya
tubhyam namojina bhavodadhishosanäya || Lord, bow to you, the eradicator of misery of the three worlds; bow to you the adorable ornament on the face of the earth; bow to you, the Lord of the three worlds; omniscient Lord; bow to you, the destroyer of the sea of the life cycle.
उपसर्गाः क्षयं यान्ति, छिद्यन्ते विघ्नवलयः ।
मनः प्रसन्नतामेति, पूज्यमाने जिनेश्वरे ॥ upasargäh ksayam yanti, chhidyante vighnavallayah
manah prasannatämeti, püjyamäne jineshvare || All the troubles disintegrate, the shackles of obstacles break, the mind achieves a blissful state wherever and whenever the Lord Jineshvars are worshipped.
शिवमस्तु सर्वजगतः, परहितनिरता भवन्तु भूतगणाः ।
___ दोषाः प्रयांतु नाशं, सर्वत्र सुखीभवतु लोकः ।। shivamastu sarvajagatah, parahitanirata bhavantu bhütaganäh|
dosäh prayäntu näsham, sarvatra sukhibhavatu lokah || May the entire universe attain bliss; may all beings be oriented to the interest of others; let all faults be eliminated; and may people be happy everywhere.
खामेमि सव्वजीवे, सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे |
मित्ती मे सव्व भुएसु, वेरम् मज्झं न केणइ ।। khämemi savvajive, savve jivä khamantu me |
mittime savwa bhuesu, veram majjhana kenai|| I forgive all souls; let all souls forgive me. I am on friendly terms with all; I have no animosity towards anyone.
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