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Bandhanānuyogadvāre sarīraparyāpanā padamīmāṃsā
It should be known that in the last moment of life, the minimum extent of the kārmaṇa śarīra of the jīva who attains final liberation is as follows:
Tavvadirittamajahanaṃ: Its non-minimum extent is different from the minimum extent. (495)
Appābahue ti sarvvatthovvaṃ orāliyasarīrassa padesakkaṃ: Compared to the less and more, the extent of the physical (audārika) body is the smallest. (496)
Veuṃciyasarīrassa padesakkamasaṃkhejjaguṇaṃ: The extent of the karmic (kārmaṇa) body is asaṃkhyāta (innumerable) times greater. (497)
Āhārasarīrassa padesakkamasaṃkhejjaguṇaṃ: The extent of the transformable (vaikriyika) body is asaṃkhyāta times greater. (498)
Teyāsarīrassa padesakkamaṇantaguṇaṃ: The extent of the fiery (taijasa) body is ananta (infinite) times greater. (499)
Kammaiyasarīrassa padesakkamaṇantaguṇaṃ: The extent of the karmic (kārmaṇa) body is ananta times greater. (500)
In the description of the increase in the size of the body, there are six anuyogadvāras: avibhāgapratichhedaprarupanā, vargaṇāprarupanā, sparddhāprarupanā, antaraprarupanā, sarīraprarupanā, and appābahue ti.
Avibhāgapraticchhedaprarupanādāe ekakammi orāliyapradese kevaḍiyā avibhāgapraticchhedā? Anantā avibhāgapraticchhedā sarvvajīvvehi anantaguṇā. (502-504)
Vargaṇāprarupanādāe anantā avibhāgapraticchhedā sarvvajīvvehi anantaguṇā eyā vargaṇā bhavati. (505)
Evvamaṇantāo vargaṇṇāo abhavvasiddhiehī anantaguṇā siddhāṇamaṇantabhāgo. (506)