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## 580
**Veeyana Mahahiyar Veeyana Kaal Vihaane Aniyogaddarani Deso**
[4, 2, 6, 8]
**The Veeyana Mahahiyar Veeyana Kaal Vihaane Aniyogaddarani Deso**
There are two types of Bhaavakaal, Aagam and Noaagam. The one which is aware of the Kaalpaabhoot and is used in the present is called Aagam Bhaavakaal. The five Bhaavas, Audayik etc., should be understood as Noaagam Bhaavakaal. In all these Kaal Bhedas, Pramaan Kaal is the main one. Since this Aniyogaddar explains the Kaal related to Veedna, it should be known as "Kaal Viddhaan".
**Padmeemansa Samittmappabahue Tti** ||2||
The three Aniyogaddars that should be known are: Padmeemansa, Swaamitva and Alpbahutva Aniyogaddars.
**Padmeemansaaye Naanavaraaniyaveeyana Kaalado Kimukkasssa Kimanukkasssa Kim Jahanna Kim ajahanna?** ||3||
With respect to the Padmeemansa Adhikaar, what is superior, inferior, inferior, and superior in terms of the Veedna Kaal of the Naanavaraaniy Karma? ||3||
**Ukkassa Va Anukkasssa Va Jahanna Va Ajahanna Va** ||4||
With respect to the Naanavaraaniy Veedna Kaal, it is superior, inferior, inferior, and superior. ||4||
**Evam Sattanna Kammaan** ||5||
Similarly, the superior and inferior positions of the remaining seven Karmas should be understood. ||5||
**Samittan Duvihan Jahannapade Ukkassapade** ||6||
Swaamitva is of two types: related to the inferior position and related to the superior position. ||6||
**Saamineen Ukkassapade Naanavaraaniyaveeyana Kaalado Ukkassiya Kassa?** ||7||
With respect to Swaamitva, who is superior to the Naanavaraaniyaveeyana Kaal related to the superior position? ||7||
**Annadarassa Panchindriyassa Sanniassa Micchaaidvisssa Savvaahhipajjattihi Pajjattayadassa Kammabhoomiyassa Akammabhoomiyassa Va Kammabhoomipadhibhaagassa Va Sankhejjavasaauassa Va Asankhejjavasaauassa Va Devassa Va Manusssassa Va Tirikhassa Va Neraiyassa Va Isthivedassa Va Purisavedassa Va Naunsayavedassa Va Jalcharassa Va Thalcharassa Va Khagacharassa Va Saagaarajagaar-Sudovajogajuttaassa Ukkassiyaae Dvidiye Ukkassahidisankilesse Vattmaanassa, Adhava Eesimajjhimparinaamassa Tassa Naanavaraaniyaveeyana Kaalado Ukkassa** ||8||
The one who is Panchindriy, Sanjni, Micchaaidvissi, has all the Pajjattis, is a Kammabhoomi, Akammabhoomi, or Kammabhoomipadhibhaago, has a Sankhejjavasaau or Asankhejjavasaau, is a Dev, Manussa, Tirikha, Neraiya, Isthiveda, Purisaved, Naunsayaved, Jalchar, Thalchar, Khagachar, or has Saagaarajagaar-Sudovajogajutta, is superior to the Naanavaraaniyaveeyana Kaal of the one who is in the Dvidiye Ukkassahidisankilesse Vattmaanassa, or is in the Eesimajjhimparinaamassa. ||8||