H. C. Bhayani
1. vedhamikā / veḍhima
CDIAL. 12092 has given vedhamika a kind of bread or cake' (recorded only in the lexicons) as the source word for H. beṛvi, beṛvi, berhaï 'cake of flour mixed or filled with pulse or meal'.
In Gujarati vedhami (f.) is currently quite popular as a sweet dish. The word. derives from Pk. vedhima+id. vedhima- 'prepared by rolling up or enrapping' is formed from vedh- (Sk. vest-) + suffix -ima-. For the suffix -ima- see Pischel § 602, where about 20 instances are cited and a few more can be added to that list. The suffix has clearly distinguishable three or four semantic shades.
In Modern Gujarati we have, besides veḍhmi, three more similarly formed words belonging to the same semantic group. Ormũ (n.), çūrmu (n.) and khăḍmi. The first two are sweetmeats, the third a savoury. Ormũ primarily meant 'that (sweet) which is prepared by pouring down (wheat groats) in boiling water'. Or- means 'to pour down in a receptacle.' Cūrmũ means 'that (sweet) which is prepared by pounding (baked loaf) Cur- means 'to reduce to powder by pounding'. Veḍhmi means 'that (sweet) which is prepared by enrapping' (a flour cake around what is stuffed). Khādmi (or dialectically khaḍvi) means 'that (savoury) which is prepared by pounding (with a pestle)' (although at present the technique of preparing is different). I have discussed the etymology of vedhmi etc. in my earlier writings: Vägvyäpära (Gujarati), 1954, pp. 45-46; reproduced in Sabdakatha (first edition, 1963, p. 35; sec. ed. 1983, pp. 88-89); Three Old Marathi Suffixes' (Vidya, 12,2, pp. 1-10, Ahmedabad 1969).
2. Pk. veccai
Turner posits vetyayati as the source for Pk. viccai, veccai, 'spends', H. becná, G. vecvu etc. 'to sell', on the basis of Sk. vetana- 'hire, wages', etc. (CDIAL. 12100). He considers Bloch's derivation from Sk. vyayati or Schwartzschild's analogical explanation (vecc-vikk- after the type muccai mukka-, paccai-pakka-) as much less probable.
I suggest Sk. vyatyayati 'causes to pass', hence 'spends' as a more probable alternative. Sk. vyatyayati, Pk. viccei, viccai, veccai and hence G. vece etc. This suggestion obviates hypothetical assumptions and phonological difficulties. The semantic change 'to cause to pass' > 'to spend' > 'to sell' is also easily accountable.
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