liberation of women froin the yoke of custom and ingorance. The image of Indian woman is standing as loving, sacrificial and noble. 'India in every generation has produced millions of women who were never fond of fame but whose daily existence has helped to civilise the races and whose warmth of heart, self-sacrificing zeal, unassuming loyalty and strength in suffering when subjected to trials of extreme severity, arc among the glories of this ancient race.31 The ideals of Secularisın, Democracy and Socialisin laid down in our constitution are not entirely new to Indian society and people. Radhakrishnan attempts to carve out the universal image of Hindu society and Religiou which can be acceptable to all women and men alike. As such there are several facts of orthodoxy, historical dialectic and ignorant masses which stand against such ideals of egalitarian social framework. However there is a potentiality of improving, rectifying and building up better social construction in which men and women share equally tlie disabilities and prospects of commissions and omissions of the dynamism of society.
In the metaphysical background of Hinduism the original principles would be the forms of ultimate belief and guidelines for general activities of people at large. They will not be directly and positively helpful in solving present riddles and problems of social and political life. Moreover during last forty years and more nations are moving towards interrelationship implying broader agreements in cconomic, educational, cultural and social fields. Nationalism of 1920-30 is on the wane. Even if nations are poor, orthodox and conventional, they cannot afford to connive at international market, racial discrimination, calamities, idcologial changes, treaties, border disputes, positive and negative actions and reactions of liberal nature among neighbouring and other countries. As Radhakrishnan has said in 'Kalki or the Future of Civilization', 'Cultivation of brotherhood and fellowship among the nations is the indispensable prerequisite. The nation we hate is the nation we do not input. The peace of the world depends on drawing together of the minds and consciences of cultured men and the growing commerce of knowledge and ideals.'32 It is a union of nations by mutual consent and goodwill wherein the uniqueness of cacl nation is preserved and permitted to flourish in larger federation. Indian society requires positive thinking and adjustment in the context of non-alignment and forces of international politics of our times,
Problem of work and National uplift
The progress of the nation depends upon output of goods and circus : lation of power of money in wider market of consumers and buyers. Of