people have begun to take advantage of Star-Hotels in big cities. Sense of conimitment to Indian values of self-restraint, sacrifice, devotion, nationalism and spirituality is diminishing among leaders and thinkers of social change in present India. Once again as a result of capitalistic trends in society the chasm between rich and poor persons is increasing. The largest slum-dwelling of Asia is in the city of Bombay. Fifty percent persons of Indian population are living below poverty line and the problem of maintaining legitimate standard of living has become grievous. With the decline in economic standards there is deterioration in moral norms and appreciation of social and cultural value among the masses. So the misuse of scientific measures for improving conditions is rampant in society. Esepccially among young men and women there is dearth of moral and spiritual training with the result that the conciliation between scientific ineasures and moral uplift and evaluation are lacking.
Government should undertake the work of providing adequate housing facilities to the poor and slum-dwellcrs. Children are the future citizens of the country and they should be properly looked after by society and state. Poor people do not mind having inore children but as they are ignorant, they do not know how to educate and rear them so as to enable thein to become better men and women in society. At present family planning centres, Gram Panchayat and social workers are engaged in helping the rural people to adopt measures to check birth of more children. It should not be limited to certain class and religion. It is a national problem. So people of all classes and religions should understand problems of population, price rise, waste of food and water as national and each one should attempt to eradicate evils of economic and social nature.
Radhakrishnan is very keen to defend the liberal outlook of Hinduism regarding marriage, divorce, succession and family. He has attempted to inerpret Hinduism in wider and universal connotation so as to make it anenable even to supposed Non-Hindus. It is the 'Open System of Hindu inviting others to join and become members of World culture and Religion. As Dayananda Sarasvati said 'Krinvanto Vislivam Aryam'. The whole world should embrace Hinduism in its pure and Universal spirit. Similarly Radhakrishnan appeals to the citizens of the world to appreciate the rational and detached character of Hinduism incorporating all good and noble elements of different religions and philosophies of the world. Wherever limitations and shortcomings are found in society and institutions of India, Radhakrishnan is optimistic about their removal in due course of time. As regards the status of women in Hindu society there is a bode of