course India is committed to good and benevolent uses of wealth for larger betterment of mankind. However the present problem of the people in the country is to find proper work and satisfaction for contributing to uplift of society and state. From social point of view Indian socicty requires new orientation towards work for all and collective welfare of groups and institutions. It has been the convention of Indian society to respect household, family, child-rearing, old persons and moral and spiritual fervour of pcoplc and society. In changing conditions of physical, cconomic and social significance it has become imperative to become economically free. secure and self-reliant. Earning and maintaining fainily is the responsibility of the married couple. With soaring prices and demands of modern society, no mature and educated member of family can afford to sit idle and look to others for maintenance. For centuries wife, old persons and dependents in Indian society liave continued to remain non-earning members. Especially in rural areas people like to remain idle and pass time without positive activity. Now times are l'astly changing. Women have to a certain extent started undertaking jobs in schools, banks, offices, railways, post-offices and industrial undertakings.
There should be more number of women to take up different vocations in society and help in liberating the forces of stagnation and lethargy for upliftment of society and state. Right to work should form a part of citizens' rights in a free nation and everybody should take up for collective rise and harmony in the country. Radhakrishnan has not attended to the problem of 'work' in society to be done by persons whether young or old. Nations such as U. K., U.S. A., Japan and Germany as well as U.S.S.R. have shown liare-speed in progress owing to their citizens being diligent and hardworking. It is a modern problem raising the value of labour and collective work for progress of socicty. At some stage of life the question of work and service of society requires to be attended to by men and women alike.
References and Notes:
1. Sattyadhiko brāhmaṇah syāt ks'atriyastu rajodhikah tamodhiko bhaved
vaisyo guņasāmyāt tu südrata. 2. Brhadāraṇyaka Upanişad I-4. 11-5; Manu I. 31. cf., also Maha
bhārata XII. 188. Na Višeşo'sti Vaiņānām Sarvam brahman idam jagat
brahmaņa pūrvasrstam hi karmabhir varṇatām gatam. 3. Sānti Parva 65. 4. śānti Parva 55. See also Manu. X. 43, 44,