the social customs and practices mentioned in it in definite periods and localities, finding out social customs mentioned 10 the book of known date and origin in vogue in different parts of the vast country and in earlier and later period, assigning the date of the composition of the Arthasāstra and dealing with the state of society depicted in the Dharmasastra, the Arthasastra and the Kamasastra as theoretical considerably, early marriage of girls in the Dharmasastra, the privileges of the Brahmanas in ancient Indian society, the profession of the different varnas or castes-the Brahmanas, the Ksatriyas, the Varsyas and the Sudras, the naming of the child according to the prescription, seclusion of women, gotrantara (change of gotra) in the marriage of a girl, sanctity of marriage, the scope of marriage, the marriage of a sudra girl by a Brabpana in Bengal and his social position and that of Bhaiār meye" (girls of unknown origin in medieval Bengal and the taking of meat in the royal household of the Emperor Asoka.
We endorse the view of the learned historian on the objective historical approach with a dispassionate, unbiased, unprejudiced and impartial judgement of the past events of history and congratulate him for his three important lectures In this connection it should be noted that “In any age of any society the study of history, like other social activites, 18 governed by the dominant tendencies of the time and the place."
-J. C. Sikdar
A Study of History, A. J. Toynbee, p. 1.