The Offering of Distics (Dohapahuda)
21. mula-guna, uttara-g, etc. For all technical terms, of, Pd Notes ad locum, or, the cage being, Walther Schubring, Die Lehre der Jainas....... Berlin Leipzig 1935 (Grundriss der Indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde 3,7), The Doctrine of the Jainas. Described after the old sources,.. translated by Wolfgang Beurlen. Delhi. [1962].
29. Enumeration of the tattvas recognized by the Jaina doctrine; hence, perhaps, H. Jain's translation nahu, "nabha". But the list is nelther exha ustive nor systematic. Of the first tattoa, the jiva, firat a negative, then the positive definition is given.
72. There are three parinamas, subha, asubha, suddha; the jiva should be "beyond punya and papa (compare Dhammapada 39, 267, 412, Kauşıtakı Upanisad 1, 4, etc; cf. Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, L'atman-brahman, dans le bouddhisme ancien, Paris 1973, App. 1 "Par delà le bien et le mal", p. 143 ff.).
86. vamsa-vihattha, H. Jain "vamsavihina"; but cf. Sheth, Pala-sadda-mahannavo, 8, v. vihattha 2: "kuşala, dakşa".
96. For the syntax, compare d. 203.-A partial definition of yogic experience is given here.
105 d, adapted from PPr 2,127, 4: jahim ruccai (v.1. bhavahi) tahi laggu. 168 Evocation of yogic experience,
177-d. Cf. the legends refered to by, Guatav Roth, JOI 24, 1974 (Special issue to calebrate 2500th year of Nirvana of Bhagavan Mahavira) p. 181 ff., ubi alia,