Colette Calllat
157. You have plerced the defence with your fist; you have carrosed, you will lick (%) until
you are exhausted (?)- like the oyster with its many tonguos (attachad) to the shell. 158. You cut and crush leaves, like the camel that has enterod (the pastore):
and ao you do not know, o deluded one, who cuts and who is out. 159. Leaves, water, darbha horb, segamy, know all these to bo of the same sort;
but that which should be trodden (10 the path) to freedom, that--the roal cause-18 something different, 1 . Don't cut the leaves, o yogi; don't stretch the hand to (piok) the frakt:
ho for whom you cut (thom), he is the (Blissful) Siva, thoro (In your beati) : worship (him). 161. In the tomple tho stono, in the sacred ford the water, in all the books the veraes..
objects which are seen to be blossoming, all this will bocome (transltory as) fuel, 162. For those who are wandering from gacred ford to sgcred ford, what frult has there boon?
The exterior has been cleansed in water, (but) the interior, what has become ?
163. You wander from sacred ford to saorod ford, o foolisb man your od has beon washed with water,
(but) how do you wash this your mind, which is soiled by the stain afen?
164. Oyog, ho la whose mind the uniquo god does not dwell,
removed from birth and death-how doos ho attain the supreme worldt
163. Ho knows the unique ont, ko knows no other than this) : evoa tho gods do not endorstand this man's behaviour, he who has the experience he alone has knowledge of * to those who can supply a satisfactory answer()?
166. That which it to no way possible to write down (or) to ask,
(1) fold, does not stay in anybody's thought. But It doos stay in the thoughts thanks to the Guru's Instruction;
this stays anywhere when people retaia it thos. 167. The watop of the stream pulls, (but fs) pushed back by the ocean;
the mighty ship 18 tossed about by the galo;