The Offering of Disties (Dohapahuda)
191 contemplate the Self as distinct from the body (and) made of knowledge 146. By learning the book(8), how can he attain froedom, he whose mind is impure?
Ready to kill it, the hunter bowe, standing at the feet of the doar ! 147 Ho who has true knowledge nowhere contemplatos Law (which would be) devoid of compassion:
by much churning of water, the hand doos not become buttored ! 148. The virtuos even of the good are destroyed when they are in conta. ct with evil people:
fire, together with fron, is hammerod frequently. 149. It is not that the whitenoga of the conch has not been tested ja tha fire;
(but) it will surely disappear if the conch is mixed with khadira wood. 150. The condition of the conch left by the ocean is that
of the creatyro who has been kissed by the vile huntors after they have taken it by the neck in their hand. 151. when they have abandoned the ocean of qualities, the conchs) are gelzed on the heap of (various) valuables.
What is their further destination? They are loflatod (with sounds), 152. O miserablo beel you have savopred the voluptuous fragrance of the blossome of the divine tree
why did your heart not break - not dio -- now that it searches round the palasa. 153. Ho has his head shaven (to be) a ahavoling; he has retained the Ipatruction; bis desire for the Law has incrosod;
noverthelons, he has had abandoned the bousehold (only) If desire for othor (than the Solf) has beon abandonod 154. O doar, those who boast of their nakedness, who have no estoom for those who aro shy of it,
thoy do not roloase anyone of their bindings, external or Internal, 135. O doar, stop the mind-elephant-rashing towards the Vindhyra:
ho will break the park of character, and will fall agala, in sapeura. 156. Those who are well read, the knowlodgeablo ones, those who have earned) respect and consideration,
thoy, if thoy fall into the grip of womon, aro rotated like a grinding stone. it ,