The Offering of Distics (Dohapahuda) 83. As ta taught to him), so is carried out by him): ho 18 dofinitely glyca a (good) mark.
Or again, ho does not noam: his karmans will break of thomicives. 84. The savant makes explanations; but 'ho has not given thought to his Self
as straw bare of cars, but collectod in abundance ! 85. O pandit of the pundits among the pundits, you have loft the cara and pounded the chaff;
you have been satiafied with (soperficial) meaning and text, you don't kwow the auprome Reality: you are a fooligh man
86. Boasting of their toxtual knowledge, they do not have the (roal), causo in mind :
liko acrobatos, expert at balancing with) thelr bamboos, achlovo nothfog more that hardstakes.
87. Poor man, loarn the spark of kaowlodgowbat is the wig of a lot of Instruction -
that, whon kindled, conflagrates morft and an immediately.
88. Absolutely everyono atruggles to achlovo Porfection:
Perfection [DNo] In the supreme world/EK] . #prome, Is attained by purity of the thoughts 89. Tho wholo universo le encountored in the bodom of hlm, in whom ataya the Omniscient, pure (One), without beginning.
no one can go further,
90. Whon the Self is established in him Soll, nowhero Impurity adheres:
on the contrary, all grave yhce that ho had becomes exclaabfo
91. O yogi, If you practice yoga, if you do not fall lato the disturbancos of business,
your body, thta hut, disintigrates; you romaln exactly as you are. 92. My d-ar, o mlod, o camel, don't delight in the happlause of the ploasures of the senses
whloh do not givo uointerrupted bliss; froa yourself from them instantly. 93. Don't bo joyful, (or) wrathful, don't get angry: ergor destroys the Law: ! Sambodhi 5,2-3