Colette Caillat 113. The austerities are the halter, the observances are the harness, squanimity and self-taming are the saddle,
brought up in his house of self-control, the camol has gone towards Thrvaņa. 114. First, you don't know the road, second, you don't ask anyone:
contemplato pooplo striving through jungles and forests, up and down the bille ! 113. That Doblo treo which is far from the road, covored with flowers (though it is) has no purpose.
the exhaustod travellor has not rested (thore), no hand has boon brou. ght back with frult, 116. They have fallen into the distrubances of the six darianas; the error of their mind has not disappeared;
Tho ono god has boen split into six; so, thay don't go to freodom. 1. Bxcepting the Self-who 18 unique, supreme (from the absoluto point of ylow), (from the profane point of vlow), there is no other enemy:
but) He who has fashioned the karmans, If anybody (can), Ho will make them disappear. 148. Though I try to retain him, still he fixes the mind on the other (object), not on the Solf,
Because of the (pleasuros of the senses, the soul will boar tha magry of hell. 119. O soul, don't think: "I shall have plersures relating to the solf such as the fruit of kimpaka, such misery you will propare for yourself. 120. O soul, you court tho (pleasures of the) sonses, - for your misory, you have run straight to thom,
40 on to all in flame, just as the fire (lamos) with the ghoa,
121. Ho Indeed is an archar who has laid (his arrow on the string of the bow) alming at the Immatorial :
ho to without preoccupation ho by whom (mind) has beon lald in Bocordance with the blissful Reality. 122. O doar, o friend, what is the use of this mirror in which the image of the Self is not soon ?
The universe appears to me full of disturbances.
though he is in the house, the Lord of the house is not seen! 123. Ho is known as freo he whogo mlad - while he is alive - is dead, as also bis five sc1808:
ho has takon the path, the Dirvana.'