Ludwik Sternbach
51. yrat À qurigar SRHt 46.72 (a. Gathakoša)-GKK 98. SRHt bas is
a. while GRK has जे, in b SRHt has दे मूढा, while GRK has ते मूढाः
in SRHtc reads, पसुप्पण्णं विधणं while in GRK It reads वसुप्पण्णं पिधण. 52. getur setturmor Fa SRHt 46.73 (a. Gathakosa)=GRK 100. SRHt bas
in a wrongly (contra metrum) gator instead of gator (as in GRK);
in c SRHt has महरामअ while GRK has चदामयः 53. faclatant quate SRH 46,74 (a. Gāthakusa)=GRK 103 (SRHt 18 corrupt.)
SRHt has in a विविध गुण,while GRK hasविद्दवियणी,banddin SRHt reads 54187 TO Tahit i front agosto 3TTENTE fogato F (contra metrum), while GRK reads : 717ET A quafgreat atat a Cat 34 /qaft &
न मइलेइ. 4. UT EHU SRH68.42 (a. Gathakosa)-Vajjalaggam 159=GRK 746.
SRHt has in a murçar, while GRK #feur(Vajalaggam as SRH), in b
SRHt has गइन्दाण, while the Vajalaggam has गइंदस्स (GRK has गयंदाण). 55. 1977 Pretat ager SRHt 111.34 (2. Gathakosa) (corrupt, abd contra
metrum) - Vajjalaggam 403, Subbasiyagabasamgaho 51 SRHt bas wrongly in a arte (instead of age, so also the Vijjalaggam, SGS has 468): In b SRHt has वल्लहो किमण्णेन, while Vajjas and SGS have पिओ किमेत्य (or किमस्थ SGS) भणिएण, c reads in SRHt सावेह अंकणो च्चिभwhile in Vajjao creads साहेड माणं चिय (In SGS पंगणय चिय साहा): and ind SRHt has
अब्भन्तरलच्छी, while Vajja° and SGs have अन्मंतरे (or अभितरं SGS)
afies, 56. si se -SRHt 123.34 (a. Gathakoga)=GRK 735. SRHt has in
हकरिकवाललद्धाइ, while GRK has तह करिकवालखंडेहिः in c SRHt has
9, wbue GRK has 33. 57. fafaragatuguEVUTO SRHt 123.38 (a. Gathākoša)-GRK 739. SRHt is
wrong in a, it should read (as in GRK) MESUT (instead of gue ); in b SRHt has Fafaroere, while GRK has offero, lo d SRHt has #eit are
anau, while GRK has fuel ang paaur. 58. gefe à feet au SRHE 124 39 (a. Gātbakosa)=GRK 736 SRH
18 wrong in a should read exfe Tree (as in GRK which has गयंद). SRHt has in b करा उणहपञ्जरेहि, while GRK has कराल नहपंजरेहि; in
d SRHE has उइन्द', while GRK has मयंद. 59. plasur forsefeate SRH 124.40 (a. Gatbgkosa) = GRK 167. In a
SRH has fussila, while GRK bas farometa"; in 6 SRHt has stogo and