Ludwik Sternbach
work 28
(12) In addition to the verses attributed in the SRHt. to the Sattasaj. we find in the SRH, as many as one-hundred-twenty-two Prakrit verses attributed to the Gathakosa, without any additional indication who the author of this Gathakośa was. We koow of the existence of a Gatbākosa by Mudicandra who died in AD 1120, but this Prakrit anthology of gathu, 18 most probably got identical with the Gathakośa of SRHt and SSSN. Upto now only 46 verses of the Gatbakośa of Mugicaudra were published by P Peterson in his Three Reports on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts and 20 Verses were published with a translation into Italian by P.-E. Pavolini', and none of the verses quoted there appears among the verses attributed to the Gatbakoša in the SRH, and the SSSN It seems, therefore, that the Gathgkośa quoted in the SRHt and SSSN must have been another, unknown yet, anthology. None of its MSs, 18 noted in Aufrecht's Catalu. gus Catalogorum or in the New Catalogus Catalogorum published by the university of Madrag26
(13) As all Prakrit anthologies, the Gathakosa of the SRHt and the SSSN. culled some of its verses from Hala's Sattasal. Sıx such verses attributed in the SRHt to the Gathakosa were borrowed from the Sattasar (1.e. verses 37 to 42 of the Annex), Most of these verses (four out of sıx) are found either in some texts of the Sattasal only (verses 38 and 41 of the Annex), or were known as Hala's verses from the alamkura literature only (verses 37, and 40 of the Annex)
(14) A number of verses attributed in the SRHt, to the Gathakosa (23 verses) must have been well known Prakrit subhasita-s, for they appear also in the little known Prakrit subhasita-literature. They appear also in GRK2. (20 verses) in Jayavallabha's Vajjjalaggama? (4 veraes) and in the Subhasiyagabasamgabo 2 (one verse) or in more than one of these three subhastasathgraha-s. Usually they read better in these sources than in the SRHt, (c. g. verses 47, 53, 55, 57 and 61 of the Annex), for the authur/collator or scribe of the SRHt, did not know literary Prakrit well29
(15) Unfortunately, It was not possible to identify the Prakrit subhasitas of the Gathakosa, oven thon when it possible to trace them in other Prakrit subhasita-sangraha-s.
23 op cll. (fn. 5) 24 Bombay-London 1887, pp. 297-802 and Frenze Tipographia di L Franceschini e.C.L,
25 See New Catalogus Catalogorum, University of Madras, Volume 5; pp. 340-341. 26 Verses 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 (also in Vajja ). 56, 57, 58, 59,
62, 63, 64 and 65 of the Annex. 27 Verses 54 (also in GRK ), 55 (also in SGS), 60 and 61 of the Annex. 28 Verse 55 of the Annex, at was probably taken from Vajja 29 See above para 5.