Malvaniyaji Commemoration Issue
Scholars are requested to send by the May end their papers for the 17th issue of Anusamdhan to honour and commemorate Dalsukhbhai Malvania, whose sad demise took place on 28-2-2000. His life-long contributions in the areas of Jainology and Indology as Director of Research Institutes, as the general editor of research series and research journals and as a great scholar of Indian Philosophy are internationally known.
Acharya Vijayshilchandrasuri
Harivallabh Bhayani
मालवणियाजी स्मारक अंक "अनुसंधान''ना सत्तरमा अंक माटे मे मासना अंत सुधीमां शोधपत्रो मोकली अपवा विनंती छे । ए अंक दलसुखभाई मालवणिया-स्मारक-अंक तरीके प्रसिद्ध थशे । प्रा. मालवणियाजी, ता. २८-२-२०००ना रोज दुःखद निधन थयुं । जैन विद्या अने भारतीय विद्याना क्षेत्रे मालवणियाजीए जीवनभर करेला बहुविध कार्यनी आंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति छे : संशोधन-संस्थाओना निर्देशक तरीके, संशोधन-ग्रंथ-श्रेणिओना अने संशोधन-सामयिकोना सामान्य संपादक तरीके, अने भारतीय तत्त्वज्ञानना आरूढ विद्वान तरीके ।
आचार्य विजयशीलचन्द्रसूरि
हरिवल्लभ भायाणी Address : H. C. Bhayani 25/2, Vimanagar,
Satellite Road, Ahmedabad-380015
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