samutsahate. Vinipātät biveti kimcit ayuktatayā bhimanyamano jugupsate. latasca parakartayyavaicitryadarsanāt vismayate. kincije hāstustatra vairāgyāt pratamam bhajate, na cartaccirtavyttivāsanafunyah kascit pränt bhavati. kevalam kasyacur kacidadhika bhavari cittaritih kācit una. kasyacu ucitavişayanuyantritā kasyacidanyatha
ye punarami dhrtyadayasoittavrttiviseşāste samucitavibhāvābhāvāt janmamadhye na bhavantyeven vyabhicärnah tathāhi rasayanamupayuktavata cero glänyalasyaframaprabhạtayo na bhavantyeva yasyāpi vā bhavanti bibhāvabalāt tasyäpi hetupraksaye kşlyamanah sanskārašeşarām navafyamupabadhnanti ratyādayastu sampaditasvakartavyatayā pralinakalpă api samskäraseşarām nätivartante, vastvantaravişayasya ratyāderakhandanat yadāha patanjalih-nahı caitra ekasyām striyām virakta ityanyāsu virakta tyädı tasmāt sthāyırüpacittavętrisütrasyuta evāmi svātmanamudayāstamayavaicitryafatasahasradharmanam pratılabhamanah sthāyınam vicitrayantah pratıbhāsante iti vyabhıcârma ucyante et seg op cit, pp. 83-84.
6 Anandavardhana, in his Dhvanyaloka, Chapter II, has laid down certain definite principlesło which must be observed by a poet in introducing figures of speeches in a poem so that the aesthetic emotion (rasa) which is the quintessence of a poetic art is not compromised thereby The alamkāras introduced should always remain subservient to the latter and the charm due to these pretty terms of expression should not vie with the charm of the aesthetic realisation. Anandavardhana has cited some instances from the works of the great poets where these norms have beon properly obeyed But he refrains from referring to the counter examples (pratyudāharanas) that would lustrate the breach of these principles 11 Hemacandra in his Kāvyānusāsana supplements the observations of the Dhvanıkāra and cites verses to illustrate the violation of each one of these poetic norms with apt remarks in no other treatises
10 Comp
vivak şātatpuratvena nāngrivena kadācana kāle ca grahanātyāgau nātınırvahanaışıtā nirvyūdharapı côngatve yatnena pratyavek sanam rūpakāderalamkāravargasyängarvasādhanam
-Dhvanyaloka, kārikas, II, 18-19. 11 sa evamupanibadhyamáno'lamkaro rasābhıvyakthetuh kaverbhavani uktaprakarātikrame tu niyamenaiva rasabhangaheruh sampadyate. laksyam ca tathāvıdham mahākavi prabandhe'pi dysayte vahusah. tattu suktisahasradyotitātmanam mahātmanām do odghoşaramātmana eva düşanam bhavatı iti na vibhajya darfutam - loc. cit.