IDream-body-the body that thou mayst assume in dreams.
+Living body-the gross body, with the Pranas, etc.]
देहात्मधीरेव नृणामसद्धियां
जन्मादिदुःखप्रभवस्य बीजम् । यतस्ततस्त्वं जहि तां प्रयत्ना
। त्यक्ते तु चित्ते न पुनर्भवाशा ॥ १६४॥ ___164. The identification with the body alone is the root which produces the misery of birth, etc., of people who are attached to the unreal; . therefore destroy thou this with the utmost care. When this identification caused by the mind is given up, there is no more chance for rebirth.
[Compare Chhandogya Upa. VIII. xii. I.] फर्मेन्द्रियैः पञ्चभिरश्चितोऽयं
प्राणो भवेत्प्राणमयस्तु कोशः। येनात्मवानन्नमयोऽनुपूर्णः
प्रवर्ततेऽसौ सकलक्रियासु ॥ १६५ ॥ 165. The Prâna, with which we are all familiar, coupled with the five organs of action, forms the vital sheath, permeated by which the material sheath engages itself in all activities as if it were living.
[POrgans &c.-the brain centres which control