VIVEKACHUDAMANI देहेन्द्रियादावसति भ्रमोदितां
विद्वानहतां न जहाति यावत् । तावन्न तस्यास्ति विमुक्तिवार्ता
प्यस्त्वेष वेदान्तनयान्तदर्शी ॥ १६२॥ 162. As long as the book-learned man does not give up his mistaken identification with the body' and organs, etc., which are unreal, there is no talk of emancipation even for him, be he ever so erudite in the Vedânta and morals.
['Body &c.-In fact, the whole objective world.
2 Erudite &c.-Mere book-learning is meant. Unless he has realised the state of oneness, he will be a mere talker, that is all.1
छायाशरीरे प्रतिविम्बगाने
यत्स्वप्नदेहे हृदि कल्पिताङ्गे। यथात्मबुद्धिस्तव नास्ति काचि
जीवच्छरीरे च तथैव माऽस्तु ॥ १६३॥ ___163. Just as thou dost not identify thyself with the shadow-body,' the image-body,' the dream-body, or the body thou hast in the imaginations of thy heart, cease thou to do likewise with the living body also...
[AShadow-body-The shadow of thy body.
2 Image-body—the image or reflection of thy body, cast in water, etc.