speech, manual activity, locomotion, excretion and reproduction. See Sloka 92.
2 Permeated &c.—This activity, again, is a borrowed one, as will appear from the last line of the next Sloka. . Material sheath-described in Slokas 154 and follow
For a description of the Five Kosas (Sheaths) the reader is referred to the Taittiriya Upa., second Valli or chapter.]
नैवात्मापि प्राणमयो वायुविकारो
गन्ताऽऽगन्ता वायुवदन्तर्बहिरेषः । यस्मात्किञ्चित्वापि न वेतीष्टमनिष्टं
स्वं वान्यं वा किञ्चन नित्यं परतन्त्रः॥ १६६ ॥
166. Neither is the vital sheath the Selfbecause it is a modification of Vâyu,' and like the air it enters into and comes out of the body, and because it never knows in the least either its own weal and woe or those of others, being eternally dependent on the Self.
[IVayu: The Prana-Vayu or life-force is meant here. The word commonly means air, which brings in the comparison in the next line.
Enters &c.-i.e., as breath which is its gross mani. festation.]
शानेन्द्रियाणि च मनश्च मनोमयः स्या
कोशो ममाहमिति वस्तुविकल्पहेतुः ।