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## Translation:
**Verse 4:**
The five Astikayas, beginning with the Jiva, are thus not non-existent even in the case of the Astikaya-prakarana.
**Hindi Commentary:**
**Anvayaartha:** (Jiva) Jiva, (Pudgalakaya) Pudgalakaya, (Dharma-Adharma) Dharma, Adharma, (Tatha Evam) Thus, (Akasham) Akash (Astitve Niyata) are fixed in existence (Ananyamaya) (from existence) are non-different [ ] and (Anu-Mahaanta) are large in the region of the Anu.
**Tika:** Here (in this verse) the special names of the five Astikayas, the general-specific-existence and the karayatva are mentioned.
There, Jiva, Pudgal, Dharma, Adharma and Akash - Graha are their special names, to be known accordingly. They are fixed in the general-specific existence of production-destruction, Dhrauvyamयी, due to their being established in the general-specific existence, it should be ascertained that they also have general-specific existence. Even though they are fixed in existence, they are not different from existence, because their origin is always from non-difference. Even though they are "non-different from existence", their "being fixed in existence" is a Nayaprayoga. Bhagwan has mentioned two Nays - Dravyarthic and Paryayarthic. There, the statement is not subject to one Nay, but to two Nays. Therefore, they are established in existence (fixed) from the Paryayarthic statement, which is somewhat different from itself, and due to being self-existent from the Dravyarthic statement, they are non-different from existence.
They also have Kayapana, because they are Anu-Mahaanta. Here, Anu means the region, both concrete and abstract, indivisible [smallest] part, 'being great by them (by many regions)' that is Anu-Mahaanta, that is, Pradeshprachayatmak (being a collection of regions) is Anu-Mahaanta. Thus, their (the above five substances) Kayatva is proved. [In the above derivation of Anu-Mahaanta, the plural has been used for Anus, that is, regions, and according to the rules of the Sanskrit language, the dual is not included in the plural, therefore, now, by slightly changing the language in the derivation, the dual-Anuk Skandhas are also shown to be Anu-Mahaanta, proving their Kayatva] 'Being great by two Anus (two regions)' that is Anu-Mahaanta - by such derivation, the dual-Anuk Pudgalaskandhas also have Kayatva (due to being Anu-Mahaanta). [Now, how are the atoms Anu-Mahaanta? By explaining this, the Kayatva of the atoms is also proved] Due to being Anu and Mahaanta in the form of individual and power (that is, the atom being one-region in the form of individual and many-region in the form of power), the atoms also have Kayatva, even though they are one-region in nature (due to the proof of Anu-Mahaanta). Due to the lack of Pradeshprachayatmak Mahaanta in the form of individual and power, the KalAnus, even though they are fixed in existence, still...