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Description of the six substances and five astikayas, along with the explanation of their unity like water and milk, because they are completely different bodies even after attaining the state of being beyond the reach of words due to the separation of the kṣayās, which are the cause of their connection, and the attainment of the state of being beyond the reach of words, because they are constantly shining with their inherent nature, which is free from all limitations, attained without the support of worldly life-breath and without the connection of the body. || 35 ||
Hindi time explanation verse-35 Anvayaarth-( Yeṣām ) whose ( Jīvasvabhāvaḥ ) jīvasvabhāva ( -prāṇadhāraṇarūpa jīvatva ) ( na asti ) is not and ( sarvathā ) completely ( tasya abhāvaḥ ca ) its absence also is not, ( te ) they ( bhinnadehāḥ ) bodiless ( vāggocaram atītā; ) beyond the reach of words ( siddhāḥ bhavanti ) siddhas ( siddha ) Bhagavants are.
Commentary This is the arrangement of the jīvatva and the body-measure of the siddhas.
The siddhas do not have the jīvasvabhāva as their main form due to the nature of holding the dravya-prāṇa, but they do not have the complete absence of the jīvasvabhāva either, because the main form of the jīvasvabhāva is the existence of the bhāva-prāṇa. And they do not have the same existence as water and milk with the body, because the kṣayās, which are the cause of the connection with the body, and the yoga have been separated, therefore they are completely bodiless even after becoming transformed into the state of being beyond the reach of words and the state of being beyond the reach of the body. And their glory is beyond the reach of words, because they constantly shine (they are shining) with their inherent nature, which is free from all limitations, attained without the support of worldly life-breath and without the connection of the body. || 35 ||
Sanskrit Tātparvavṛtti Verse-35 Athā siddānām śuddhajīvatvam atītaśarīpramapākāśavyāpakatvād iti vyavahāreṇa bhūtapūrvakannyāyena kiñcannyūnacaram aśarīraprāmāṇaṁ ca vyavasthāpayati Jesiṁ jīvasahāo natthi-yeṣām karmanitradravya-prāṇabhāva-prāṇarūpo jīvasvabhāvo nāsti, te hoti siddha—te bhavanti siddha iti sambandhaḥ. Yadi tatra dravyabhāva-prāṇā na santi tarhi bauddhamatavatsarvathā jīvābhāvo bhaviṣyatītyāśantrāyottaramāha-abhāvā ya savvaha tattha natthi-śuddha-sattāchaitanyajñānādirūpaśuddhabhāva-prāṇasahitatvāt tatra siddhāvasthāyāṁ sarvathā jīvābhāvo pi nāsti ca. Siddhaḥ kathambhūtāḥ. Bhinnadehā-aśarīrāt śuddhātmo viparītāḥ śarīrotpattikāraṇabhūtāḥ manovachanakāyayogāḥ krodhādikṣayāś ca na santīti bhinnadehā aśarīrā jñātavyāḥ. - Punaś ca kathambhūtāḥ vachigo yaram atīdā sāṁsārikadravya-prāṇabhāva-prāṇarahitā api vijayam te prattapaṁtīti hetoḥ vachanagocaratītasta eṣām mahimā svabhāvaḥ athavā samyaktvādy aṣṭaguṇais tadantargatānantasguṇair vā sahitaḥ tena kāraṇan vachanagocaratīta iti. Athātra yathā paryatharūpeṇa padārthānām kṣaṇikatvam dṛṣṭvātivyāpti kṛtvā dravyarūpeṇāpi kṣaṇikatvam manyate saugataḥ tatheindriyādi daśa-prāṇasahitasya aśuddhajīvasyābhāvam dṛṣṭvā mokṣāvasthāyoṁ kevalajñānādyanantasguṇasahitasya śuddhajīvasyāpyabhāvam manyata iti bhāvarthaḥ. || 35 ||