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The desire for food lasts for years and breathing takes place in as many breaths. 128. Question: What is the lifespan of the Vaimanika Devas? Answer: The excellent lifespan of the Devas in the Saudharma Yugal is slightly more than 2 Sagaras, in the Sanatkumar Yugal it is slightly more than 7 Sagaras, in the Brahma Yugal it is slightly more than 10 Sagaras, in the Lantva Yugal it is slightly more than 14 Sagaras, in the Shukra Yugal it is slightly more than 16 Sagaras, in the Shatar Yugal it is slightly more than 18 Sagaras, in the Anant Yugal it is 20 Sagaras, and in the Aran Yugal it is 22 Sagaras. The lifespan of the Devas in the first nine Graveyakas is 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 26, 30, and 31 Sagaras respectively. In the nine Anudishis, the excellent lifespan is 32 Sagaras, and in the five Anuttaras, it is 33 Sagaras. Here, the statement of "slightly more" up to the Shatar-Sahasrar heaven is in comparison to the Ghatayushk Devas.
The lowest lifespan of the Saudharma Yugal is one Paly, and from there onwards, the excellent lifespan of the lower heavens is the lowest lifespan of the higher heavens. In the Sarvarthasiddhi Devas, there is no lowest lifespan. In the Rarvarthasiddhi, the lowest lifespan is an innumerable part of a Paly, which is 33 Sagaras. Some Acharyas also say this. (Lokavibhag or Dasam Vibhag) Shlok 234, Page-202, Jain Sanskriti Sanrakshak Sangh, Solapur. (76)