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## Sixth Karma Granth
### 123
Here, in two verses, the mutual connection between the bondage places and the existence places of Mohaniya Karma is explained. Also, since it is necessary to state the mutual connection between the bondage places, the arising places and the existence places, we will mention the arising places that are obtained while explaining the mutual connection between the bondage places and the existence places.
There are ten natural bondage places of Mohaniya Karma: twenty-two, twenty-one, seventeen, thirteen, nine, five, four, three, two, and one. We will explain the existence places corresponding to each of them.
**"Tinn V Ya Baviise"** - There are three existence places for the twenty-two natural bondage places: twenty-eight, twenty-seven, and twenty-six natural. Their explanation is as follows:
The bondage of twenty-two natures occurs to the Mithyatva-affected Jiva, and its arising places are four: seven, eight, six, and ten natural. Of these, the twenty-eight natural existence place corresponds to the seven natural arising place. This is because the seven natural arising place occurs without the arising of Anantanu-bandhi, and the absence of the arising of Anantanu-bandhi in Mithyatva is only for the Jiva who, having previously attained Samyag-drishti, had disassociated the Anantanu-bandhi Chatushk and later, due to the influence of Pariṇāmayaśa Mithyatva, initiated the bondage of Anantanu-bandhi again due to Mithyatva. For that Jiva, the arising of Anantanu-bandhi does not occur for a period of one Avli-pramana. However, according to the rules, that Jiva possesses the existence of thirty-five natures. Therefore, in the seven natural arising place, there is only one twenty-eight natural existence place.
The eight natural arising place also has the same three existence places. This is because the eight natural arising place is of two types:
1. Anantanu...