Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Translation:
The path of the **Suras** (heavenly beings) and **Naras** (humans) leads to **Niryaya** (hell), due to the **Upanivis** (attachments) of the **Kkayas** (bodies). The **Bhujal** (earth), **Jal** (water), **Anil** (air), and **Van** (fire) are like the **Manav** (human) **Panat** (body), which is constantly changing. The **Narini** (human) is **Nipu** (skilled) in **Kasaya** (passions), **Koham** (anger), **Mayamaya** (illusion), and **Lomat** (greed). The **Maddamu** (pride) and **Himana** (jealousy) are like **Kevala** (absolute) **Vihangama** (birds) that are **Isusua** (always) **Anath** (without a home) and **Sagara** (ocean) **Samaichek** (always seeking) **Sar** (shelter) **Ihar** (here). The **Rasuh** (taste) **Ayaves** (of the senses) **Jayajaya** (always conquer). The **Achakkho** (blind) **Kevaladansan** (who sees only the absolute) **Anagara** (without a home) **Kinna** (what) **Nila** (blue) **Kahu** (says), **Teu** (that) **Pamha** (for us) **Ya** (this) **Sukka** (dry) **Mandiyara** (desert). **Vegakhaiguv** (quickly) **Sammi** (together) **Chhami** (we) **Sasa** (will) **Sana** (always) **Sanniyare** (be) **Ahare** (in the) **Yera** (world) **Meya** (like) **Suranaray** (heavenly beings) **Vibhag** (separated) **Isusua** (always) **Hiduge** (in the) **Sammatati** (agreement) **Paha** (see), **Sukkas** (dry) **Jhos** (heat) **Sagin** (with) **Tamasan** (darkness) **Apjjaaju** (will not be born), **Nare** (humans) **Sabayara** (all) **Apjja** (will not be born) **Tekae** (take). **Thavara** (permanent) **Igidi** (this) **Padma** (lotus) **Chad** (on) **Bar** (many) **Asanti** (unpeaceful) **Dubigale** (in the two worlds) **Das** (ten) **Charam** (extremes) **Tase** (like) **Ajaya** (unconquerable) **Haragati** (path of destruction) **Irit** (in) **Sukasa** (happiness) **Yaduana** (will not be) **Ane** (there). **Patil** (in the) **Nabhavier** (future) **Achalun** (immovable) **Pumicchhi** (earth) **Sache** (with) **Vi** (also) **Pajani** (know) **Kevalayug** (the age of the absolute) **Sanjayam** (with control) **Manna** (mind) **Nanavesam** (with knowledge) **Mana** (mind) **Mose** (will be). **Pan** (but) **Charan** (feet) **Pajja** (will be) **Vayane** (in the) **Tiya** (three) **Chha** (six) **Va** (or) **Pajjier** (will be) **Chakkhum** (eyes). **||17||**
**Srina** (hear) **Narani** (humans) **Didi** (this) **Charam** (extreme) **Va** (or) **Anahare** (without food) **Bu** (be) **Sanni** (always) **Chha** (be) **Apja** (will not be born). **Te** (that) **Sahuma** (all) **Ap** (without) **Vina** (without) **Sasani** (with) **Iso** (this) **Gune** (quality) **Vucchhan** (ask) **Etir** (from) **U** (the) **Suranare** (heavenly beings), **Narasanniyani** (human beings) **Vibhavvata** (in the) **Si** (with) **Sache** (truth). **Igavigala** (this world) **Bhudagavane** (in the earth) **Dudu** (two) **Evam** (like this) **Gaitsabhavve** (will be born). **||16||**
**Devatika** (divine) **Kaya** (body) **Nama** (name) **Das** (ten) **Lobhesaj** (desire) **Ajaya** (unconquerable) **Buti** (intelligence) **Anati** (without end). **||15.3||**
**Baras** (twelve) **Achakkhu** (blind) **Iklu** (will) **Su** (be) **Padhaya** (in the) **Ahwai** (world) **Charam** (extreme) **Par** (beyond). **||20||**
**Karmagrantha** (book of karma) **Mag** (path) **Char** (four)
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सुरनरतिरिनिरयगई, इगबियतियचउपणिवि क्काया । भुजलजलणानिलवण, तसा य मणवपणत गुजरेगा dr नरिनिपुं सा, कसाय कोहमयमायलोम त्ति । मद्दमुयच हिमण केवल - विहंगमइसुअअनाथ सागारा सामाइछेक्सरिहर, रसुहायवेसजयजया । अचक्ओही. केवलदंसण अणागारा किण्हा नीला काऊ, तेऊ पम्हा या सुक्क मन्दियरा । वेगखइगुवसममि -च्हमीससासाण संनियरे आहारेयर मेया, सुरनरयविभगमइसुओ हिदुगे । सम्मत्तति पहा, सुक्कास झोस सगिं तमसं अपज्जजु,-- नरे सबायरअपज्ज टेकए । थावर इगिदि पदमा चड बार असन्ति दुबिगले दस चरम तसे अजया, हारगतिरितशुकसा यदुअनाणे | पतिले नाभवियर, - अचलुनपुमिच्छि सचे वि पजनी केवलयुग, - संजयमणनाणवेसमण मोसे । पण चरनपज्ज वयणे, तिय छ व पज्जियर चक्खूमि ॥ १७ ॥ श्रीनरणिदि चरमा, व अणहारे बु स ंनि छ अपजा । ते सहुमअप विणा, सासणि इसो गुणे वुच्छं एतिर उ सुरनरए, नरसंनियणिविभव्वतसि सच्चे । इगविगल भूदगवणे, दुदु एवं गइतसअभव्वे ॥ १६ ॥ देवतिकाय नम दस, लोभेषज अजय बुति अनाति ।
बारस अचक्खु 'इक्लुसु पढया अहवाई चरम पर ॥२०॥
कर्मग्रन्थ माग चार
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