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**Karmavipaka Samyaktvaparinaam (Granthibhedajanaya Samyaktv)**, which purifies the Dalik of the Mohaniya, is considered to be **Chakki Sthaaniya**.
The **Kashaya** are compared to various substances in **Upmaa-Karmagranth** and **Gommatasar Jeevakand Gatha 286**. All these comparisons are essentially the same, the only difference being that in **Parsaar**, **Prasmaasyanavaran** is compared to the dirt on the body for **Lobha**, while in **Karmagranth**, it is compared to **Kajal**.
The nature of **Apvartya Aayu** is explained in the commentary of **Apvartya Aayu-Karmagranth Gatha 23**, where this death is called **Akalamaran**, and in **Gommatasar Karmakaand Gatha 57**, it is called **Kadali Dhaatmaran**. This word **Kadali Dhaat** is not found anywhere else in the sense of untimely death.
The order of the **eight Karmas** - **Jnaanabaran** etc. - is explained in the **Shwetaambar Granth Panchasangrah Tika**, **Karmavipaka Tika**, **Jayasomasurikrit Tabba**, and **Jeevijayajikrit Balavabodh** as follows:
**Upayog** is the characteristic of the **Jeev**. It has two aspects: **Jnaan** and **Darshan**. **Jnaan** is considered to be the primary aspect. Only through **Jnaan** can one contemplate a scripture. When one attains something, the **Jeev** becomes **Jnaanopuyogee**. Moksha is also attained during **Jnaanopuyogee**. Therefore, the **Karma** that covers **Jnaan** - **Jnaanavaran** - is mentioned first. The tendency towards **Darshan** arises after the **Jeev's Jnaan**.
1. **Gommatasar, Karmakaand, Gatha 26**